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Fh2.45 release Friday the 13th

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Sir Apple

Well-known member
Yeah! For those who play fh2, this looks to be an awesome release coming up! Lots of map changes/new maps, lots of new content etc. :)

Follow the updates as the release day creeps up on us below, on their homepage;

Forgotten Hope - News

I'm looking forward to this update more then any others before it I think (minus the one that introduced France).


Vanguard Backer
This is one of the sharpest FH2 patches in the history of FH2. Especially the inclusion of the US forces in North-Africa is something I was waiting for a long time. And more Italians, night maps, graphical enhancements.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
Yeah it looks incredible, it seems they've pushed over the norm for fh2 and really went the extra mile this time. I never thought I'd be so excited to revisit North Africa, but I am! I can't really recall playing a game that properly included the U.S in North Africa.


I've been looking forward to this for a long, long time and can't wait until the path after (word is around Crimbo) for the inclusion of mother Russia and all the marvelous weaponry and machinery that came charging out of her from 41 onwards!

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Wow - this is going to be fun isn't it ;)

Personally I don't like the style of the trailer but you can't argue with the content. Is someone new making them these days?


TW Developer
Wow brilliant trailer, I'm really excited for the new release now. Was hoping they would include american paratroopers in the new release however :( along with some more airborne maps.

As there needs to be more airborne action orientated game-play like on the Crete map.

Sir Apple

Well-known member
Well they did include the 101st airborne :p So technically...

But anyway, I played a bit tonight alone, to look at the new stuff and new maps - I'm VERY impressed, I feel like the mod got a lot more beautiful as well as 'solid' feeling. All around its very good.

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