Yes! As part of the Überbear DLC limited time offer with rainbow weapon skins, plus Magical Unicorn Close Air Support if you preorder before 2019!
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Yes! As part of the Überbear DLC limited time offer with rainbow weapon skins, plus Magical Unicorn Close Air Support if you preorder before 2019!
By the way, will there be different uniforms for different classes?
Oh ok, thanks.Depending on the class, yes. You can see so in the update about British classes.
I look forward to this game
I don't know if this is said but when would we learn about the German classes ?
just curious
In general the soldiers were supposed to keep the magazines to reload when out of combat. It would be far too time consuming and difficult to reload them in combat, of course. It was also not at all common to reload a magazine without expending all the shots- do that and you soon just end up with a bunch of magazines each with only a few rounds each- kinda pointless. It was simply more efficient to only reload when all ammo was expended.
Also, there is a game play reason for this- we DO want to avoid the COD thing of firing 2-3 shots, reloading, firing a few more shots, etc, so that the player always has a nearly full magazine. That is gamey and stupid, and not at all based in realism.
And we will mostly likely include ammo chests or such to refill ammo at, a la FH2, however, also probably much more commonly than FH2. It will take time though, and will mean that you should really only do it when you REALLY need ammo.
Hello VonMudra:
Just a little idea from me for your reloading/throwing away mags problem:
How about you guys make it like this:
- When simply pressing r the player will reload the rifle fast and throw away the still available ammo in the chamber.
- When holding r the player will place the mag bag into his pocket. This half empty mag will then be used, when all other mags are empty. But this will be more time-consuming to do.
With this system players can decide themselfes in which situations they have the time to save every single bullet and in which they wont.
The only thing you guys would need are two different animations for reloading.
(Sorry for bad english)
The used/half empty mags, will automaticly be selected, when the player has no more full mags left.There is a problem with this idea. After placing used mags in your pockets, how do you know if you are loading a full magazine or a half/almost empty magazine?. Maybe you load one with 5 bullets in a critical situation, and you don't want that.
The used/half empty mags, will automaticly be selected, when the player has no more full mags left.
So there is no way, that the player will get an half empty mag when he still has full ones.
They are only as last resort, when there is no more else left.
How you like that?
But how do you know when you don't have more full mags? The HUD warn you?
But how do you know when you don't have more full mags? The HUD warn you?
Hello VonMudra:
Just a little idea from me for your reloading/throwing away mags problem:
How about you guys make it like this:
- When simply pressing r the player will reload the rifle fast and throw away the still available ammo in the chamber.
- When holding r the player will place the mag back into his pocket. This half empty mag will then be used, when all other mags are empty. But this will be more time-consuming to do.
With this system players can decide themselfes in which situations they have the time to save every single bullet and in which they wont.
The only thing you guys would need are two different animations for reloading.
(Sorry for bad english)
There doesn't need to be any way of telling if you're reloading a full magazine or a used one, I don't think.