Will you release a dedicated server to the community?
Of course! We will be releasing a dedicated server pack on Windows for community admins which, like the game, will be free. If we can bring support for other operating systems in the future we will.
Will there be tank interiors?
Realistically, we don't expect to have tank interiors when armour is added. It would be great but at the moment it would take more time to implement than the feature is worth. Maybe in the future however.
Will soft material be penetrable or destroyed (wood & thin metals for example)?
Of course! Realistic bullet penetration is an important realism feature. Hiding behind a wooden fence isn't as effective as a steel door in the real-world and it shouldn't be in the game. A wooden fence might still be good at hiding you from the enemy but a piece of wood won’t save you from a bullet.
What’s your stance about a HUD in a realism game?
The HUD is a vital way of giving the player important information about themselves and their surroundings most of which in real-life they would know by instinct. Even a minimal amount of information overlaid over the game screen however is quite distracting. This dilemma of immersion vs. information is one all realism games face.
Our solution is the HUD by default is hidden unless you press the HUD key on the keyboard. Individual elements of the HUD show themselves when they might be needed (e.g. number of magazines left after reloading) but most of the time the HUD is hidden - unless you want to see it. You can read more about it in our last HUD dev blog .
Our solution is the HUD by default is hidden unless you press the HUD key on the keyboard. Individual elements of the HUD show themselves when they might be needed (e.g. number of magazines left after reloading) but most of the time the HUD is hidden - unless you want to see it. You can read more about it in our last HUD dev blog .
What does it take to become a TWDEV?
In simple terms you need to be skilled, dedicated and as enthusiastic about the project as we are. We have no specific requirement for how much time you can put into development each week but we expect team members to be active participants in the process.
We genuinely interested to hear from developers who are interested in joining the family so if you are interested please take a look at our recruitment page to find out a bit more about who we are looking for and what might be involved.
We genuinely interested to hear from developers who are interested in joining the family so if you are interested please take a look at our recruitment page to find out a bit more about who we are looking for and what might be involved.
Will there be an open-alpha/beta?
At this point it looks unlikely there will be an open pre-release version of the game.
The game is divided into different chapters which will build upon each other, “OVERLORD” the first chapter of the game is just the first step. You could imagine the chapters each as a well-polished beta of the final game rather than a DLC add-on to the game.
If/when we are looking for people to join the closed testing programme we will be sure to let everyone know. In the meantime however applications to be a Traction Wars Tester are closed.
The game is divided into different chapters which will build upon each other, “OVERLORD” the first chapter of the game is just the first step. You could imagine the chapters each as a well-polished beta of the final game rather than a DLC add-on to the game.
If/when we are looking for people to join the closed testing programme we will be sure to let everyone know. In the meantime however applications to be a Traction Wars Tester are closed.
Will there be a way to balance the way a map is rendered on low and high settings?
Ensuring the game is fair for all players is clearly an important aspect in any multiplayer game.
When optimising the game for lower-spec machines we need to minimise the load on the machine whilst at the same time ensuring that no-one is left peeking out between the leaves of a hedge that only they can see. Similarly no-one wants to find themselves being shot at by a player who can see a greater distance than they can themselves.
When optimising the game for lower-spec machines we need to minimise the load on the machine whilst at the same time ensuring that no-one is left peeking out between the leaves of a hedge that only they can see. Similarly no-one wants to find themselves being shot at by a player who can see a greater distance than they can themselves.
That’s all we have for this time but should you have any questions of our own we're always watching the thread for new questions to feature so ask away!
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