Community Newsletter #2
Community Questions
To usher in the New Year we would like to introduce the new Community Questions in which we give the community the chance to submit those burning questions to the team. We will then select the best and/or most popular questions to answer in our Community Newsletter. As this is the first Community Questions we've chosen four of the most commonly asked questions to answer.
Question (#1): Are you going to feature the United States in the mod? (- FAQ)
Answer: For "OVERLORD" we are concentrating on the campaign between the British and German Armies immediately after D-Day. In future chapters however we plan to add other countries to the mod including the United States, Canada & Poland.
Question (#2): What is OVERLORD? I thought the mod was called Traction Wars? (- FAQ)
Answer: The first release of Traction Wars is called "Chapter One: OVERLORD" which is abbreviated to just OVERLORD. The mod will be released in a series of chapters, each one adding new content such as vehicles, advanced gamemode features & new nations. In between major chapter releases there will be patches to fix any bugs or balancing problems which have slipped through testing.
Question (#3): Will this mod have fully destructible environments? (- FAQ)
Answer: Yes and no. Here at Traction Wars we are pushing the limits in areas such as map sizes, number of static objects & texture resolutions, which we hope will give the player a far more fruitful gameplay experience. To counterbalance this and make the mod playable on lower spec machines we don't plan to implement fully destructible environments. However some objects will be made destructible where it is most effective.
Question (#4): When will the mod be released? (- FAQ)
Answer: Sorry folks - we have to give the age old answer to this question: "When it's done". Internally we do have a release date in mind and we're working towards that date. However we don't want to announce the date of release until we know we will achieve it without comprising on the quality of the first release (OVERLORD). What we want to avoid is being pressured into releasing the mod on a specific date and having to rush through patches afterwards to fix mistakes that could easily been identified and fixed before release given a bit longer to do the job properly.
- We hope you understand.
If you can think of a question you would like the team to answer please let us know by posting in this board of our forums. Sorry but registration is required to prevent spamming.
That's it for this time! See you next time.
Community Questions

To usher in the New Year we would like to introduce the new Community Questions in which we give the community the chance to submit those burning questions to the team. We will then select the best and/or most popular questions to answer in our Community Newsletter. As this is the first Community Questions we've chosen four of the most commonly asked questions to answer.
Question (#1): Are you going to feature the United States in the mod? (- FAQ)
Answer: For "OVERLORD" we are concentrating on the campaign between the British and German Armies immediately after D-Day. In future chapters however we plan to add other countries to the mod including the United States, Canada & Poland.
Question (#2): What is OVERLORD? I thought the mod was called Traction Wars? (- FAQ)
Answer: The first release of Traction Wars is called "Chapter One: OVERLORD" which is abbreviated to just OVERLORD. The mod will be released in a series of chapters, each one adding new content such as vehicles, advanced gamemode features & new nations. In between major chapter releases there will be patches to fix any bugs or balancing problems which have slipped through testing.
Question (#3): Will this mod have fully destructible environments? (- FAQ)
Answer: Yes and no. Here at Traction Wars we are pushing the limits in areas such as map sizes, number of static objects & texture resolutions, which we hope will give the player a far more fruitful gameplay experience. To counterbalance this and make the mod playable on lower spec machines we don't plan to implement fully destructible environments. However some objects will be made destructible where it is most effective.
Question (#4): When will the mod be released? (- FAQ)
Answer: Sorry folks - we have to give the age old answer to this question: "When it's done". Internally we do have a release date in mind and we're working towards that date. However we don't want to announce the date of release until we know we will achieve it without comprising on the quality of the first release (OVERLORD). What we want to avoid is being pressured into releasing the mod on a specific date and having to rush through patches afterwards to fix mistakes that could easily been identified and fixed before release given a bit longer to do the job properly.
- We hope you understand.
If you can think of a question you would like the team to answer please let us know by posting in this board of our forums. Sorry but registration is required to prevent spamming.
That's it for this time! See you next time.