New Member
The German machine gun is the absolute bread and butter of their infantry units its what their tactics rely on.
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These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
Indeed, but I think BF2 mod: Project Reality's suppression is a bit exaggerated in my opinion. However finding that balance between easy or difficult is a challenge.
Yes, but as you guys have said it's a *very* important aspect of a (semi-)realistic fps game, I really want the devs to get this right![]()
That is true, however from what I understand, TW will be a squad based game, so it is up to the squad leader to get his squad into gear or to kick out the members that aren't cooperating/not moving up with the squad. And it would be up to the commander to coordinate the squads (Will there be a commander?)There are times though where people "camp" (I hate that word by the way) unnecessarily
If the whole team is advancing and someone is just sitting behind the lines doing nothing but sitting there for an hour waiting for the enemy then that is a let down.
Defending a position is fine if you're team is defending
But I hate people who don't move up with the team when it's clear to move up fair enough if they are covering but Snipers who want to be that 1 man army I hate people like that.
I usually don't take the Sniper role but I view it as a defense against devastating weapons, whether that is taking out Machine guns or high ranking officers and leaders.
That's only one example though.
Kind of brings me to my next question - do devs have any ideas/features in mind to prevent lonewolfing? PR got it right but their measures are rather unforgiving.
I don't think I've laughed this hard in a while!... who's poopen his Panzers from all the fire coming his way ...
really looking forward to this game
I tend to think it depends on how the engine calculates the various bits-
Is the bullet a trace-hit scan, or a proper calculated trajectory over time? I would prefer the latter as it lets the various guns really get their own feel due to different velocity, drop and spread.
I really hate the forced bullet spread thing ( ala TF2 for example), where there is an enforced time to wait for the crosshair ( or aim, reflexes,etc) to kick in before you can fire accurately. If I manage to spin around 180 or otherwise get the target in sight, then I don't want to wait another 2-3 seconds for some cheesy cross hair to close before being able to hit anything!
The suppression system should affect the way u can use the weapon but not whether the weapon can hit what it is aimed at. The suppression might slow down your ability to turn around slightly, or move the weapon slightly, or blur you vision slightly, but if you have the sights aimed at the target, it becomes a bullet trajectory issue. Not an artificial spread issue. The various weapons have their own mass and inertia, , so swinging a BAR around would be slower than a carbine. They have their own uses at different ranges, so a KAR98 should not work against a Thompson in a close range twitch fight. The recoil of each gun should be closely modeled on the real version, rather than a preset variable thing depending on if your tired, or just run 500m.
The scale of the maps is very important, having rifle battles at 30m is ridiculous, at 500m is challenging and rewarding.
Suppressive fire should announce itself to the recipients via some noise and a bit of blurring if really close, but it should be up to the player if they want to get up and run into the fire. It shouldn't somehow disable them from performing any kind of action. HE round from arty or tanks are a bit different due to the shock wave. If you get hit by the shock wave it should really be killing or maiming you.