I think I can out-sh*t you there, Flying 
It's 9:15 PM in the Seychelles... come on, devs! Dying to see the video
It's 9:15 PM in the Seychelles... come on, devs! Dying to see the video
Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
You know people can be from one place and live in anotherMy guess @FlyingR lives East of Europe rather than West. Either that or he's a TimeLord. Either is quite possible I suppose
edit: I should really read the last page before posting. I was right though!
Increasing my betting to 500 cookies. ( I'm serious now )
Wow those uniforms are bad. Like, I knew the North and South mod was very poorly researched but...damn.
That is not an explanation! Traction Wars will be entertaining and historically accurate!Pretty sure the mod is aiming for entertainment, rather than historical accuracy [emoji14].
That is not an explanation! Traction Wars will be entertaining and historically accurate!![]()
Ah but we're non-commercial. We don't have to explain in budget meetings why we spent time on details which won't affect the market price![]()
That is not an explanation! Traction Wars will be entertaining and historically accurate!![]()