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A few suggestions on first impression

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Active member
- Could benefit from a much much much smaller shell shock effect range from grenades
- On one of the maps there was no bullet effects in the muddy water on the ground (double checking which one)
- Needs wood/metal footstep sounds when you walk on the downed planes
- Ability to toggle the HUD on permanently if desired

I will think of more I'm sure but for now its just some things I noticed besides the obvious like no kill count in the scoreboard etc.
LOVING the game so far.


Active member
Update that map I was talking about was Lion

- Ability to hear enemy movements/footsteps. I watch multiple people walk right past enemies or eachother without even knowing they are there while both of them are moving so there should be some sound coming from the enemies. Not a crazy amount thats the same as our own, but maybe 75% of that volume or 50% of it.


Active member
- Options to turn up gamma/brightness slightly? My monitor is maxed out on brightness. Now, I like good real night maps. But Its just a tad TOO dark where its impossible to see people at all on my setup at least.


Active member
- see how many enemies are remaining at all times would be nice (but not end of the world even still)
- hopefully bipod deployment soon sooner rather than later
- hopefully sniper/scoped weapon role sooner rather than later
- ever so slightly faster reload time. not a lot just a bit faster. but could take a vote on that ?


Active member
- The blue dot above the heads of team mates not in your section - I think they should be a little bigger, or perhaps instead of a dot, make it a chevron arrow or something more visible?


Active member
- Increase allowed AFK time or switch people to spectate instead of kicking. This would benefit as more people would be active on servers enticing others to join. Also, currently, hardly enough time to even go to the washroom.


Active member
- Increase allowed AFK time or switch people to spectate instead of kicking. This would benefit as more people would be active on servers enticing others to join. Also, currently, hardly enough time to even go to the washroom.

Added: Forcing them to spectator position keeps the server active looking and the person can rejoin the game faster and easier. And would avoid the other issues. A notification saying PlayerName has been moved to Spectator for being away too long. or something could be used to notify the NCO, or, perhaps that message can be team based so that the enemy team doesn't see that they are down a person, keeping that fair.

- add a dead icon on the scoreboard to see who's dead in your team (and why not in enemy team when you have the intel) or grey out/change color of the persons name on the scoreboard
- brightness value option in menu options
- kill count on scoreboard
1 My shadow (on a wall) was standing then crouching while I was crouched looking round.
2 The Settings change from toggle to hold has not taken affect, possibly went wrong with next log in.
3 The graphic settings are causing a problem and I shall have to put everything on low. The screen refresh rate scrolling sideways is a problem for the eyes as it is so jerky.
4 Saw 'Replace me' many times along the river bank, Pegasus.
5 The map should show my position and direction facing after Escape in the game, or there's no point having it.
6 The objective marker A disappeared near the end of the game, Lion day.
7 There are some poles with a gap between the two cylindrical halfs.
8 Please have one of the devs introduce and implement a 'game view' concept for the user interface outside the match / in the lobby.
9 Please make the text a lot bigger on all the lobby screens.
10 As the game is very quiet at the moment, it's a good time for you to get rid of all the glitches and bugs before bigger numbers start playing. Not a time to relax.


Active member
- Add the title of the map (like how you have it on the ESC loadout screen) to top of the TAB scoreboard screen too.


Active member
- MAP BUG LION - Building with the fire in it has some floating bricks at the top. Missing faces on the model perhaps? Also the fire should kill us perhaps, or, be blocked off.

- Grenade count in the HUD does not increase when you reload ammo using ammo supply box

- MAP BUG Merville - truck glass, the glass texture is on top of the broken glass effect when its being shot. You can see the edges of the effect.


Active member
PLEASE let us cancel the capture of objective. Playing 1 vs 1 and such right now is almost pointless as an attacker when you can't get out to defend yourself.

Everyone I have played with has mentioned this. Must have!
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