• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

A Christmas Treat

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
With Christmas around the corner and everyone getting excited/prepared for the oncoming festivities we thought we show a little treat before the festivities get fully underway.

[TWDEV] volcol has been putting the finish touches at another of his dev blogs so keep your eyes out for it's publication in the coming week. We will leave you guessing as to what it's about in the meantime.

If you have liked what you have seen and would like to share your thoughts about the game or just get involved in the community you can visit our forums. You can also keep up-to-date with current development and news via the social networking links below.



Looking good, though the rifleman on the right should perhaps reconsider his position! Lee Enfield packs a punch but I'd still put my money on the P4! :laugh:


I'm sorry
but that street texturing is disturbing. The supposed naturally formed smaller crackling on the stones looks too uniform and similar to (perhaps based on?) a mortar brick-wall pattern.. bah. (They also reach outside the stone onto the ground in-between but guessing that's alpha economy).
Still.. give now!
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Well-known member
it's been mentioned and noted :) all to be fixed in due time, or is it already fixed? - we like to be mysterious here at TW


There are not much "new" games of this kind, large maps, good armour code and the crisis engine can let this game become "KING of WW2-games" ^^ Darkest hour ( UT engine ) and Forgotten hope 2 ( BF 2 ) will fear to lose their players.


Just stumbled upon this... looking good in general however the rifles are way too small for the soldiers.
If your poly budget allows, also you might want to check your laser-cut environment geometry.

Keep up the good work!


Well-known member
All noted and altered since the post :) had a quite a few comments here and on moddb, we're likely to update with further media in the future.


TW Developer
Just stumbled upon this... looking good in general however the rifles are way too small for the soldiers.
If your poly budget allows, also you might want to check your laser-cut environment geometry.

Keep up the good work!

Hi Stumble, glad you like the work thus far.

You are indeed right about the scale of the rifles. We had a scaling issue with that particular weapon at that time in development when the screenshot was take. It has indeed been resolved.

Not sure what you mean by 'laser cut geometry'? But yes you are right we have rather strict poly limit when it come to buildings. In an ideal world it would be great to have individually hand crafted buildings with intricate details, but the engine wouldn't be able to cope with it, especially considering our maps are on the large side of things.

There's also the issue that making structures in that way is very time consuming, we are limited to how much time we can spend on making art assets, as is the case with most development studios. Its either cut corners (please pardon the pun :p) here and there to meet deadlines and allow the engine to maintain a steady fps or not be able to release the game in adequate time frame.
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