• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    On the subject of non-orchestrial, I'll introduce a quite new track. Composer is Brian Tyler, as featured in the scene when (SPOILER) you meet-up with Daisy and tell her that Grant is dead. Just so lush. Maniche
  2. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Now THIS is a thread I can contribute massivly too! First off, something a bit soothing and deep. A shame the ending is such a party-pooper but Alexandre Desplat have done some marvelous work on the Harry Potter Deathly Hallows OSTs! A classic from Clint Mansell, as found in one of my...
  3. Maniche

    Top 5 Games

    1. HL2 (inc. the Episodes) 2. League of Legends 3. Counterstrike Source 4. Metro 2033 5. Call of Duty (series) Honorable mentions; Medieval 2: Total War, Traction Wars (woho!), Battlefield (series), Portal (of course!) and FEAR (series). Maniche
  4. Maniche

    WW2-veteran, Gunnar "Kjakan" Sønsteby, Died Today, 94 Years Old

    A famous WW2-veteran, saboteur, resistance-fighter and a highly respected man for us Norwegian, passed away today at the age of 94. He's famous under the name "Nr. 24", were he and his friends played a major part in the Norwegian resistance-fight against a Nazi-occupied Norway under the years...
  5. Maniche

    what kind of games can u make with CE3

    I'm awesome. No, seriously; how did they miss the whole "Traction Wars Developing Team"? Maniche
  6. Maniche

    good bf1942 article

    Interesting read actually, thank you! Maniche
  7. Maniche

    sandbox games are boring

    Jealousy, easy like that, hehe. Maniche
  8. Maniche

    Shogun 2 Demo Out Now!

    Here at Steam! For those who want to test-drive the new Shogun 2 from the Creative Assembly, follow the link at the top. Maniche
  9. Maniche

    Battlefield 3

    No, since I edited it because "Maniche" was spelled after it, haha! Maniche
  10. Maniche

    Battlefield 3

    I'm faster, muhaha! Maniche
  11. Maniche

    Battlefield 3

    MoH was Unreal (Singleplayer) and FrostBite (Multiplayer) from my knowledge atleast, while DICE uses only the FrostBite. Maniche
  12. Maniche

    Battlefield 3

    New trailer Maniche
  13. Maniche

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    This must be the funniest reaction to a game ever. Period. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Maniche
  14. Maniche

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    2 days after the video was released he already got a job-offer; Now that's a man who appreciate life. Maniche
  15. Maniche

    Merry Christmas!

    I wish everyone a pleasant Christmas on behalf of the Traction Wars Team; may your presents be solid, and the turkey/whatever be well-roasted! Regards, Maniche
  16. Maniche

    Most anticipated game

    It's nice to hear such warm things about our mod, kuri! Thank you. Maniche
  17. Maniche

    Most anticipated game

    Re: Most antisipated game Well thank you, Scorpion! It's always nice to receive positive feedback and hear that the Community is looking forward to our first release. Maniche
  18. Maniche

    Most anticipated game

    Re: Most antisipated game Indeed! Too much cookies got the drawback of you loosing count on time and date, mate. /Removes the cookie Apple got in his hands! Maniche
  19. Maniche

    League of Legends; creators of DoTA Allstars.

    Hi all! Ever heard of DoTA? Well, there's something better now, called League of Legends! Think it sounds fun? Head over to this to sign-up today! See you ingame, Summoners! Maniche
  20. Maniche

    Best FPS of all time

    I'd say Half Life 2, yes. Maniche