• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. FlyingR

    Battalion 1944

    With that much skill they could've done much better... Too much bla bla bla. Plus, Maniche looks way better in a black mo-cap suit.
  2. FlyingR

    RnL Weekend Madness

    Hey guys! I saw that there are many of you interested in this game so I was thinking that we should try doing a WM! For those of you who don't know, Resistance and Liberation is a free realistic WWII game. The game is actually pretty good and very intense. Teamwork will definitely be necessary...
  3. FlyingR

    Best TV Series!

    Oh God, "I know there are many series out there so if the one you watch is not on the list, mention it and recommend it!" I also like Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin b*tches), Mind Your Language and Superman but I didn't put them on the list either! Pic related:
  4. FlyingR

    A penny for your screenshots!

    Someone fancy RnL? :)
  5. FlyingR

    Best TV Series!

    I just wanted to know what "Tractioners" liked to watch? I know there are many series out there so if the one you watch is not on the list, mention it and recommend it! In my personal opinion I prefer GoT and Vikings! I used to watch Walking Dead but got bored of it (****ing Carl, he is...
  6. FlyingR

    Defector from another WWII game

    Is that better!? :P
  7. FlyingR

    Defector from another WWII game

    Sorry, I had to... :D
  8. FlyingR

    Defector from another WWII game

    Welcome fellow inmate! As you might notice, there are several exiled members from H&G and other games that have come here and seek refuge. You have come to the right place and we shall accept you as one.
  9. FlyingR

    Viewing Ammo and other weapons

    Yes that would be one of the bigger problems, the position of the pouches/belts. @Mars you mean this? Check 0:30 That is pretty cool!! Exactly what I had in mind! I'm quite certain that there could be a way to implement this but it would take quite a lot of time to do so and would have...
  10. FlyingR

    Viewing Ammo and other weapons

    I know we have talked about this a few times, but @drummer93 inspired me to play RnL (Resistance and Liberation) and to check how much ammo you have you hold "b" I think, and a belt pops up in the lower part of screen and displays the amount clips of the weapons you have for example 4 Mp40...
  11. FlyingR

    Picture of the Day

    Harold Agnew, the person in this picture, is holding the plutonium core that was used for the Fat Man (which was later dropped in Nagasaki).
  12. FlyingR

    New Year 2016

  13. FlyingR

    World military marches

    Chinese one! PLA's (People's Liberation Army)
  14. FlyingR

    Website Feedback

    This is what uploading a video for me looks like. I have to press Enter in order to upload the video. I'm using Chrome Version 47.0.2526.106 m As, drummer and Ani said, we can't like posts and the layout/aspect hasn't changed for me either (if it was suppose to change, that is).
  15. FlyingR

    Website Feedback

    There're a few problems I noticed: Look at the notifications, did it get rebooted? The icons are not similar Where did other info go? As well, for the yellow circles, one suggestion, wouldn't it be better/shorter if it was "... Liked ...'s post" rather than "Click Likes"? I don't...
  16. FlyingR

    PR:WWII Weekend Madness

    They knew exactly what was coming and we got raped... That map is quite hard for the Americans!
  17. FlyingR

    PR:WWII Weekend Madness

    That's some great news! Here's your picture! :D
  18. FlyingR

    PR:WWII Weekend Madness

    It's a pitty Ani! Would've been awesome to have you tonight! We shall kill many Germans/Americans in your name! Guys the TS server is down so we are going to be using another server: Address: Channel: Lobby Clanes See you tonight! :D
  19. FlyingR


    Yeah hahaha me too! :D
  20. FlyingR

    Lesser known battles or operations that changed the course of a war

    We all know about D-Day, Stalingrad and Midway, but what about battles, operations or any event that had a big impact in any war that not a lot of people know? I am quite keen on learning new ones *cough* VonMudra *cough* But yeah, this one many of you might know which is Operation Fortitude...