• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Hahahahaha xD
  2. Aniallator

    Maps/theaters you hope to see

    What maps/theaters are you hoping to see in TW? Me, I'm DYING to see the Belgian, Dutch, and French campaigns of 1940 in an FPS. As far as maps, Stonne is a must, as is Fort Eben-Emael. Ockenburg and/or Valkenburg would be neat, and as a more tank-centered map, Hannut would be amazing.
  3. Aniallator

    Any other WW II games?

    Imagine an FPS RPG open world Kingdom-Come-Deliverance-in-WW2 set in Paris, May 1944... that would be my schizznizzle...
  4. Aniallator

    Any other WW II games?

    In what way? What do you mean?
  5. Aniallator

    Picture of the Day

    drummer93 found it, it's at 9:50.
  6. Aniallator

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    The best of Jet...
  7. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    BWAHAHA you guys have to see this! Totally cracked me up xD
  8. Aniallator

    Realistic suggestions!

    I'm not sure what you guys have for explosion effects at the moment, but I'd recommend seeing what Squad does. In Squad, an explosion realistically sends particles of dirt all over the place. Plus, they look way cooler :)
  9. Aniallator


    Immersion is, of course, hugely important to TW. Players need to feel like they're a member of the Wehrmarcht, defending Fortress Europe against the enemies of the Fatherland. Players need to feel like they're the tip of the Allied spear, pushing through France to free Europe from the chains of...
  10. Aniallator


    In a teamwork-based game, communication is key to success. In TW, I see two fundamental ways of communicating to choose from; a more PR-based system, where there's positional VOIP as well as VOIP between squad leaders, between squad members, et cetera, or a more realism-based system, where you...
  11. Aniallator

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Not graphic. Iranian troops ambush a Taliban force that's for some reason trying to get into Iran. Just the volume of fire...
  12. Aniallator

    Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

    I haven't. It seems like kind of a weird game to me?
  13. Aniallator

    Planes in TW

    At the moment, planes are an unknown in TW. Many people, I'm sure, hope to have player-controlled planes at some point; however, I don't think player-controlled planes are a good idea. I think AI-controlled planes are the way to go, and here's why... 1. Immersion. Flying a plane, you feel the...
  14. Aniallator

    Pionier/Sapper implementation

    What's their purpose in a game? I mean there's Merville Battery, where engineers are key as they destroy the Vz 14s... but what about other maps? What's there for them to blow up? Engineers were badly implemented in RO2, where you're usually destroying Czech hedgehogs. Not very rewarding...
  15. Aniallator

    Weekend Madness! You chose!

    Sorry I haven't played guys, I haven't had Internet till an hour ago. Sadly the Internet here in Comoros is pretty messed up, so I doubt I'll get in on some Midweek Madness before November :(
  16. Aniallator

    Weekend Madness! You chose!

    Alright guys, PR in five hours! IRENE!
  17. Aniallator

    "Returning to WWII" (game discussion)

    Good to hear we're not the only ones dying for a new WW2 shooter!
  18. Aniallator

    Weekend Madness! You chose!

    Esu21 join us on a PR night, we can show you how to play :)
  19. Aniallator

    Weekend Madness! You chose!

    I don't have BF2 anymore so no FH2 for me, but hopefully I can do PR on Sunday :) One thing, FlyingR... can we do PR Saturday and FH2 Sunday? I won't have Internet on Sunday ;)