• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Aniallator


    Another PR WM, and no Ani :( Sorry guys, I won't be able to use my good computer for a month or two, and my other crappy computer no longer has PR; nor can I download PR, as I don't have that kind of internet. I should have my good computer working and have fast, usable internet by July, but...
  2. Aniallator

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    Why are Scandinavians so awesome at English lanuage music?!
  3. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Oh damn, I know what I want now. T minus 5 days till the CQ :) Fortnights pass quickly at Traction Wars.
  4. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Helmet cam of Colombian Special Forces capturing drug dealer Édgar Gutierrez.
  5. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Rising Storm Vietnam unveiling! If you have eight minutes to kill, watch the whole video for F-4 Phantoms, OH-6 Cayuses, and all kinds of goodies :D I think I'm going to love this game! It's a shame that Tripwire doesn't aim for teamwork the same way they aim for realism... RO2 had an awful...
  6. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Jimmy Kimmel in Batman vs Superman!
  7. Aniallator

    Movable emplacements

    Movable emplacements have been thrown around some, but we've never really discussed them... so here we go! Ideally, we'd have two ways of moving an emplacement, by hand and by vehicle. Only smaller emplacements like the Flak 38 or Pak 36 would be movable by hand, and only trucks, or for example...
  8. Aniallator

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    For whatever reason, this is the song many Americans play at Thanksgiving. There's a lot of backstory, but anyway, here you go. The chorus is first at 0:50. You can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant!
  9. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    What 155 mm artillery looks like on the receiving end!
  10. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    Yeah, you must just play as a French civilian. It sounds like a fun and strange game (imagine mowing down Americans from an Omaha bunker before leaving a live grenade in the bunker for you German compatriots and running away), though I fail to understand the "survival" aspect. You're in France...
  11. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    That foliage isn't to die for, but the beach! The sand looks so real! The great sand plus some great clouds and the good Czech hedgehog models makes that screenshot look like a real picture. Their team did say... "we've created the largest, most accurate representation of Normandy, France ever...
  12. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    I think... I think you're on to something...
  13. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    I have no idea... I guess you go around looting or something? Or as the resistance, you go around killing German guards and derailing trains and stuff Assassin's Creed-style? No clue.
  14. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    Ugh, except they're using a 1928 Thompson! Is TW the only game that uses the ****ing M1A1?!?!
  15. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    Not sure, I probably just saw the same forums you saw, ModDB and UE4 forums and whatnot. It does look awesome! And to think they're planning for Earl Access in Augsut :D
  16. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    As a survival game, I'm interested to know how gameplay will be. Are you French resistance? German? Can you choose? I know D-Day happens, so I imagine you fight in it, meaning you can play as the Americans and/or Germans. I wonder if it'll almost be like Kingdom Come: Normandy? Or Skyrim: WW2...
  17. Aniallator

    Our Ghosts of War

    Yup, another WW2 FPS. 2016/2017 really will be amazing years for gaming, and even more for WW2 FPS'. Our Ghosts of War is on UE4, and it's actually a survival game. I don't know who you play as, but I know it's set on a 78 km squared map of Omaha and inland. It's going on Steam Early Access in...
  18. Aniallator

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Bluedrake has an epic finale in Squad... makes me want to run out of ammo!
  19. Aniallator

    What's the most terrible World War II movie you've ever seen?

    Wow, and I thought I knew cheesy! I really need to get my hands on Generation War, that show looks amazing. I can't help but imagine TW when I watch this...
  20. Aniallator

    Pacific Wrecks

    When I was in Australia in 2012, getting ready to sail to Papua New Guinea, I found this site called Pacific Wrecks. It's a database for wrecks from WW2 and Korea, and I ended up going through and saving every page that was relevant to where I planned to go. It turned out to be an awesome...