• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. th_battleaxe

    Your ideal game

    You know what? Sod it, let's just do one from the First Coalition, all the way to Waterloo, in chapters.
  2. th_battleaxe

    Your ideal game

    Aniallator: I was thinking of something very similar, but rather set in the Southern Netherlands during the French invasion in 1792-93. And about not mentioning TW; well, it's getting closer, you know. Only one year until the prospected release. Can't say I'm completely indifferent towards it.
  3. th_battleaxe

    Battleaxe's practical guide to... modelling

    I'm back!! After an arduous end of the semester, and 12 exams in a 16-day time frame, I got back to my stations. Today, it'll only be a small update, since I didn't have a lot of time on my hands this weekend due to our need to restock on Walloon beer and a poorly timed football game. I've...
  4. th_battleaxe

    Match recorder

    Hello everyone, Back in the day, in Red Orchestra (Ostfront, not Stalingrad), you could record demos in game. These were essentially battle replays, which you could then watch any time you'd want. However, the function was slightly glitchy, which could lead to you not having a helmet on, or...
  5. th_battleaxe

    World military marches

    The march of the Chasseurs Ardennais. Their nickname is "the boars", after their regimental insignia. Their motto: Resist and Bite.
  6. th_battleaxe

    What have you made recently?

    During the last semester, I took a course for Photoshop. This included making an assignment that demonstrates the techniques you've learned. So... here's what I made: With quite a lot of thanks to General Naga for letting me use the logo and the Pegasus bridge screenshot.
  7. th_battleaxe

    Steam recommendations?

    Rise of Flight, now that the DLC's are cheaper.
  8. th_battleaxe

    Community Newsletter #5: 3rd Battalion

    Funny that you mention cookies... I ordered my father to bake some in commemoration of this glorious event. They're Citrus and Almond cookies with a Queen's own marmelade centre (and with a dash of Mandarine Napoleon in there as well)
  9. th_battleaxe

    Thoughts on fallout 4

    Never was really into Fallout. I've seen a few videos on Youtube and found that the graphics haven't really changed since FO3 or FONV. So it's still a meh from me. By the way General Naga is your messages folder full?
  10. th_battleaxe

    New FH2 Update!

    Heh, and yet, Fuchs will claim Belgians are the worst drivers. In my experience, though, the worst ones come out on Saturdays only.
  11. th_battleaxe

    A penny for your screenshots!

    From the diary of Flight Sergeant Ewan Podgorny, No. 8 Naval Squadron... We were assigned a patrol near the Velu aerodrome. Major Anderson had us take Strutters up, given the Huns always have a flight on stand-by. Just when we crossed the German side of No Man's Land, we noticed a lone Albatros...
  12. th_battleaxe

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    Deny everything, Baldrick
  13. th_battleaxe

    Battleaxe's practical guide to... modelling

    A Subframe Subclause Hello, chaps! Back with some more pictures for you. I have finished the interior, I believe. Yesterday, I've glued the interior frame together with the engine mount and the floorboard, and this is the result: And lastly, I've also given the propellor another coat of...
  14. th_battleaxe

    War of Rights

    Aniallator One's head can certainly be lopped off by a cannonball. I believe it happened to a Prussian general, but I can't remember his name. SOS VonMudra?
  15. th_battleaxe

    A penny for your screenshots!

    A Halberstadt D.II swoops down on a No. 8 RNAS Nieuport 17
  16. th_battleaxe

    Battleaxe's practical guide to... modelling

    The Perils of Paint Hello, chaps. Time for another update. Today, I'd like to talk about the choice of paint for a certain job. In the first post, I mentioned using water-thinnable acrylic paint. Well, not all acrylic paints are the same. I thought Revell Aqua Colour was a good choice, however...
  17. th_battleaxe

    Totally Off-Topic Thread

    Billy Connolly on natural gas
  18. th_battleaxe

    Shooting from the vehicles

    Not a bad idea, but it has to be implemented sensibly. In the olden days of FH2 it was also possible to shoot from vehicles. This gave rise to two phenomenae known as Sticky jeeping and Kübelschrecking. Example: So if it makes it in, only small arms, please. No drive-by tank killing.
  19. th_battleaxe

    Post some of your favorite songs here!

    This one shouldn't need any introduction.
  20. th_battleaxe

    A penny for your screenshots!

    Problems, RFC? - Jasta 2 career, 27th September 1916