• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. General Naga

    Game Trailers

    I'm not the best at keeping up-to-date with the latest game trailers so I thought it might be fun for everyone to have a single thread where we can all share trailers as and when we come across them. Could be for one of the big up-coming games (like below) or one of the larger DLCs. Let's try...
  2. General Naga

    Battlefield / Forgotten Hope communities searching for a new game

    Pretty sure I saw something on Reddit yesterday saying EA intend to patch the issue and continue support for BF2, BFBC2 and a couple of others. Can't find the link now I come to look again though. Anyone know anymore about it? I haven't been following the story whilst away.
  3. General Naga

    Article: New Musical Style (April Fool 2014)

    After much careful thought and countless discussions, we have decided it is for the best to revise the musical style of Traction Wars to something more appropriate. Sure, orchestral soundtracks are fantastic, but in the long term we feel that our new style will better reflect the tone of the...
  4. General Naga

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    At the moment what's been announced doesn't change our plans. Could be the new announcement brings greater access and some of the features we've been wanting for a long time but only time will tell. We're pushing ahead with our current plans until more details are announced.
  5. General Naga

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Hold your horses folks. CRYENGINE is doing the same thing ;) Fresh off the press: http://www.cryengine.com/news/crytek-announces-its-cryengine-as-a-service-program 10USD/EUR per month for what appears to be a fuller SDK. Probably on similar terms to UE4. My guess is this is CRYENGINE 3.6 which...
  6. General Naga

    Community Questions #3

    Always happy to please. More questions are always welcome :)
  7. General Naga

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Simply put - it depends. Work out exactly your game will be played and what features are needed and which are important before deciding on an engine. Unreal is almost certainly easier to use but personally I prefer CRYENGINE.
  8. General Naga

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    I may have posted this before but oh well
  9. General Naga

    Community Questions #2

    Continuing on from the success of first in the new series of Community Questions we have picked some more questions from the community. Can we create our own maps & will there be an auto-downloader? (sHaKeNbakE & Comrade Roe)Yes. The map editor used to create Traction Wars levels is freely...
  10. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    What can I say. The British are amazing :P Looks like you had quite a good round there Apple :)
  11. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    In war thunder it's one player per aircraft - the gunners are AI. It's not ideal but works if all you want is a casual air battle after a long day.
  12. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    Who were I would like to point out completely useless at defending me from the fighter which turned me into a shooting star less than a minute after this was taken.
  13. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/469799292263920467/44EFEA0020166D0A46B98CAF23044E7A2688C40D/ Further War Thunder fun
  14. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    RF1 was my first FPS, so I guess you could say that in a small way that's where Traction Wars started. Haven't actually thought about that until now.
  15. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    The first, third or fourth? (we won't mention the second *shudders*)
  16. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    I seem to remember you were a little "surprised" when I rocketed up on front of you ;)
  17. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    We did try - you'd gone offline :(
  18. General Naga

    What games are you playing?

    http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/705112066227105535/37B7EB8D34283F7AC9A263879192AC4950FE55FF/ It was quite a lot of fun :)
  19. General Naga

    New Year 2014: Messages from the Team

    In the final part of our holiday series we have a few messages from the team for the community. Sadly we weren't able to get messages from everyone at this busy time of year but we hope enjoy and are looking forward to an exciting year with Traction Wars. Interested in joining the team? The...