• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

What changed from TW to Vanguard?


I would consider myself part of the "old guard" having played ww2 online, project reality, invasion 1944 (arma 2), resistance and liberation, hidden and dangerous 1 & 2, red orchestra ostfront, darkest hour, forgotten hope 1 & 2, arma 3. Pretty much every ww2 (and not) tactical shooter, you name it, i played it.

Yet i do not believe this "elitist" behaviour is healthy to build a new community, I don't believe you all started your gaming adventures by playing milsim arma, I started with Call of Duty and its United Offensive expansion pack back in the day and i dont think i would be playing tactical ww2 shooters if it wasn't for that game. It is foolish to look down on players because of what they're playing, who's to say they won't love this game and become hardcore tactical shooter fans?.

Furthermore I see nothing wrong with playing different kind of games: i enjoy PR but i also play Day of Infamy from time to time, does this make a "second class" player? you be the judge.


New Member
Wow I registered and been following the development since 2014....I can't believe 4 years have passed


New Member
Vanguard Backer
Just reading these posts makes me slightly disappointed. I wish the community was coming from games like PR, Squad, etc, rather than RO2, DOI, etc. We need people who will use mics all the time, listen to squad leaders, play as an actual team. RO2 and DOI are basically Battlefield and CoD with one-shot kills and no crosshairs. I think Vangaurd has the potential to be so much more than that but I think the community has to really commit to playing as a team.

What you talking bout Willis?

You say:

RO2 and DOI are basically Battlefield

Anyone played those games knows they are NOTHING like Battlefield but then again, you can play any game how you want so maybe you just play it like Battlefield?

Vanguard has the opportunity to offer a unique gaming experience which is why I backed it having been aware of its existence since 2014.

I use the word "Gaming" as I am a gamer but some see "game" as a dirty word although personally, I am just fed up playing so called "milsims" and walking for hours on end. I love them though but I want Vanguard to offer something different which it currently proposes to do and do well.


Vanguard Backer
@Gimpymoo, when I say RO2 is like Battleifield, I mean in how much teamwork there is. Everyone just solo plays in those games, no coordination, nobody uses mics. That's what I want to avoid in Vanguard. I don't want "milsim" like Arma but I sure as hell want everyone to use a mic all the time. Having a game that's easily playable without good comms is a huge turn off for me and odds are I'll put the game down in a week if people aren't using mics and communicating.


Vanguard Friend
It takes time to create a game when you have a small Dev team, Vanguard looks promising, looking forward to the finished product :cool:


Vanguard Backer
Yet i do not believe this "elitist" behaviour is healthy to build a new community, I don't believe you all started your gaming adventures by playing milsim arma, I started with Call of Duty and its United Offensive expansion pack back in the day and i dont think i would be playing tactical ww2 shooters if it wasn't for that game.

Pffffff Call of Duty Finest Hour elitest. Everyone knows Medal of Honor Rising Sun had the best multiplayer and base game. Could you shoot the hats off your allies' heads in call of duty? I THINK NOT!

Also, that dam defend the tank mission in the first Call of Duty when you're in the city kicked my butt back in the day.