Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
Regarding the first paragraph, sorry but you're completely wrong. At least two fps games manage this: PR and Squad. Granted, the first one is a relative tight community, but the second one is a popular game.
Server side toggle for more/less realism and hud friendliness, this reminds me of RO2 system, and I find it an excellent idea!
Edit: spelling and wording.
Like Agus said, Project Reality and Squad are doing it (PR as been going on for 10 years and Squad is literally one of the most realistic FPS out there), and in those games people rarely use TS or Discord because there's a squad mumble (for only squad members), local mumble (anyone can hear you in a radius except enemies), and squad leader/commander mumble where only SLs and commanders can communicate. All of this works quite well to be honest. The idea behind my suggestion is to completely immerse players in the game, to bring it closer and realistic to what it was, as in, imagine if you played this with VR and other simulation equipment, it should try to make you feel as if you were there, so to speak).
Other than that, I agree to your second paragraph, and might as well add that, what if you have a setting/switch where you have 2-3 settings:
- Arcade: like RO2 style
- Realism: PR or even more realistic
- Custom: Where you can toggle which features you like so can have some mix of both of the above
I could see this being quite a good compromise where all the members can have the gameplay style they want, adding variety and diversity to the game.
Hahaha try PR/Squad xD
Hahaha! PR and Squad will prove you wrong!
I'm sorry but I laughed at this!
I hope you have fun playing tw once it is released.
Looked up Squad gameplay and I see where you guys are coming from with the communication via open mic and everything, but I have always found that type of communication to be annoying since I personally think it ruins immersion (would rather have voice acted commands) and there is always that one immature guy that tries to troll and, as an old school senile SOB, I just don't got time for that xD.
Usually it is half and half when it comes to mic usage, some, like me, like typing in a chat and will turn it off if it is there and others who use it will use TeamSpeak if it is not there so either or is fine with me, but i'd rather the devs not put it on a focus point. Plus team killing annoys me just as much as the person I TK so I think the HUD is reasonable for playability.
As for the weapon pick up being removed, I still think it should stay in because there are multiple accounts when this type of unethical WWII situations happen and most are even to a higher degree. Such as; Germans tying up POWs to tanks so the enemy won't shoot at the tank, inf using AA guns on other inf, guys using German lugers to put down dying horses, and my Dad's old friend's grandfather was a 101st paratrooper who said when he went into towns where Germans surrendered they didn't have time or resources to take POWs so they'd make em wrestle in their underwear and whoever wins they let go, in their underwear though (still not sure if he was just BSing or telling the truth, but it sounded like the guy was crazy enough to do it). Now I don't think we wanna have the option to tie enemy soldiers to tanks in this game, but I think the gun pick up option would demonstrate just enough that the war wasn't as straightforward and ethical as we'd think.
I was also thinking if the weapon pickup is implemented it should go something like press "E" to switch weapons(que animation) then after you pick it up hold "E" to pick up ammo and then have an animation of the guy taking a magazine and putting it in his pouch. The more ammo you want or need the longer you have to hold E and go through the animation, that way people will be discouraged to pick up enemy weapons since they'd have to spend extra time getting enough of the enemies rounds instead of say just a few mags had it been a friendly soldier's body behind the frontlines where it is safer and quicker. As long as it wouldn't be like where you walk over someone and magically pick up the gun and all of its ammo (like the old WWII Call of Duty and Medal of Honor games) and instead properly display the time interval I am happy with it.
In my point of view, having the green bubble indicator always on is not a good idea. Imagine a situation that you are in combat in serried buildings, it would be much of an disappointment to know which builidng is full of friendlies and enemies before actually going in. Having the indicator only visible when aiming may be better. However, I think teamkilling is not much an issue after players get used to the game. Afterall, a player should be able to distinguish the uniforms, and if not, make his/her decision to fire or not.
What about Armbands? they always been used in all wars..looks like a solution, because that hud on top of the head is horrible.
What about Armbands? they always been used in all wars..looks like a solution, because that hud on top of the head is horrible.
Yeah I'd rather not have armbands. Takes the immersion out way more than a HUD symbol does. At least then you know that it's just a HUD, not actually the models, textures, sounds, etc. If it's actually in the world it means that the actual material of the game is inaccurate. Plus arm-bands you'd not always be able to see. Big no to arm-bands as player recognition from me.
Do you know any other case of floating green rectangle on top of the head?
Sounds like a case of "I'm too casual for hardcore realism so let's screw up the authenticity of the game."
If you are referring to me with this random response, i mostly play Project Reality and Escape From Tarkov, no floating gibberish on head.