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Bit of a gamebreaker here... I hopped on the forum to post a video, only to find that it looks like this when I try to post (also the reason I'm unable to attach images and have to put them in as links)...http://i.imgur.com/Hrdymmi.pngAnd that videos are invisible, and I'm unable to post them...http://i.imgur.com/KwUzaA9.pngWould be grateful if this could be looked into!EDIT: It also appears that putting line breaks doesn't work, as you can see this is all in one paragraph.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
[MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION] @th_battleaxe @FlyingR

I'm struggling to find the source of your issue with space bar.

Could you please confirm the following:
  • When it has happened?
  • Which thread(s)?
  • your browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE etc. )
  • Operating System (Win10, MacOS, iOS, Android etc)
  • Whether you are using the WYSIWYG editor or BBcode editor (see image for button to switch between the two)
  • What happens when you use the other editor?
  • Are you viewing the website in left-to-right or right-to-left mode?

Thanks for your help tracking this pesky issue down


[MENTION=1]General Naga[/MENTION]

  • When it has happened? Weeks or a month ago
  • Which thread(s)?
  • https://www.tractionwars.com/rec-room/4132-war-movies-3.html#post58022
  • https://www.tractionwars.com/commun...es-practical-guide-modelling-3.html#post58113 I think it's not about the thread since I've had this problem in different threads.
  • your browser (Chrome, Firefox, IE etc. ) Chrome Version 54.0.2840.99 m
  • Operating System (Win10, MacOS, iOS, Android etc) Win 7
  • Whether you are using the WYSIWYG editor or BBcode editor (see image for button to switch between the two) I think it's the standard editor, WYSIWYG.
  • What happens when you use the other editor? Didn't try, I didn't even know you could change editors until now.
  • Are you viewing the website in left-to-right or right-to-left mode? Left to right

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Thanks [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION]. I suspect it's the WYSIWYG editor causing the trouble but we'll see what the others report. Try using the non-WYSIWYG editor for a bit and see what happens.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
[MENTION=1]General Naga[/MENTION]

This morning
Battleaxe's Practical Guide to.. Modelling
Must be standard editor
Haven't got a clue, never even knew it existed
Left to right

The thing is: I'm posting this from my laptop, and I'm not getting the issue here, but on my desktop this morning, it did happen.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Hmmm thanks [MENTION=1183]th_battleaxe[/MENTION].

Try clearing your cache and doing a hard refresh of the website.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Thanks @FlyingR. I suspect it's the WYSIWYG editor causing the trouble but we'll see what the others report. Try using the non-WYSIWYG editor for a bit and see what happens.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

The thing is that I haven't had the issue for at least a week now (or even more), but what I'll do is use Source mod on this laptop and WYSIWYG on my laptop at home.


When has it happened?

Which threads?
Today it happened on both of the threads I posted on, Totally Off-Topic Thread and this thread.

Your browser?

Your operating system?
Windows 10.

Which editor are you using?
Whichever is default, didn't realize there were and hadn't tried the other editors.

What happens when you use the other editor?
After clicking the button to change editors the bug is resolved, I can use space again.

Are you viewing the website in left-to-right or right-to-left mode?

@General Naga having done some testing - and maybe someone else can confirm this - the bug only seems to occur when quoting a post. When not quoting a post, like I am here, the bug doesn't appear.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Ah that's very helpful [MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION]. We maybe getting somewhere!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


What happens when you use the other editor?
After clicking the button to change editors the bug is resolved, I can use space again.

5/7 would Polandball again.

Posting this from Mozilla, Ubuntu 14, all standard settings website related. No problem whatsoever, note this is quoted reply.
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