What on earth is that.. haha
I must admit I've always loved the whole space pirate concept. Not sure I would enjoy it in 2D however..
Hhahaha despite the retardedness, the game is sooo much fun! In that occasion we were only three, but today managed to do 2 vs 2 which was better, @
Esu21 will upload the video (hurry up!). Being the few people we were, it made it harder to build bigger ships, space stations or have a full on battle but still, it was very enjoyable. So far the game is only 17 MB, which is nothing!
The game is being developed by BlueDrake42 and its community. Right now the game is in pre-alpha stage and only can do ship to ship combat. Still WIP and there's still loads to modify! The game should to be a combination of (I hope) Space Engineers (space construction)+ Project Reality (teamwork) + GTA II (style).
If you want to try it let us know!