Well, Italy just have beaten the potential euro cup winners with a solid 2-0, italians are dangerous as usual, always underrated and then they proceed to win the cup, dem pesky players!
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@General Naga: Still showing up. It wasn't anymore on my phone, which is weird.
Im glad that maybe this will be the first time we will pass the group eliminations!
Of course in all media in Poland there is a big excitement about this and as always we can't stop imaginating impossible to achive things..
For God sake, why TV or Radio Reporters are asking French people about Polish vs France final? Some people are stupid..
Ya know what i mean?!
@General Naga: is that a timed thing, editing posts?
Afraid so. From memory it's 24 hours. Avoids confusion having posts change contents after that - but it would be nice if an exception could be made for the first post in a thread like this I know.
Argentina 4 - 0 USA, Argentina to the finals!
And this guy, Messi, is from another planet, better yet, from another universe!
On another news, Ibrahimovic will resign from playing for his country after the Euro, today might be his last game with Sweden!
Congrats to our neighbours Croats for winning against Spain (2-1)
I'm telling you, they will win at the end.
Nope, I thought France was seriously going to win. Now all my money is going to Iceland.