That's why you read the manual!!!!
The same will happen with TW... not many people will read the manual so there will be loads of problems... especially in the beginning!
As for the Debriefing time (we shall call it that now, seems cooler
), it would be awesome if you could place markers and icons (members of the section and stuff) in the map, to make everything clear in real time. Also the Debriefing is good to design fireteams/groups within the section. It's good to micromanage the section this way since there won't be squad chat during the actual game. The drawings and stuff could actually stay during the game, so that the NCO doesn't have to mark things all the fricking time and everybody would know more specifically what to do! This would be really cool and helpful.
For example, this would be during debriefing time:
Fireteam 1 - NCO, 1 Engineer, 1 Assault, 1 Rifleman
Fireteam 2 - 2 Rifleman, 1 LMG, 1 Assault
- FT1 will attack Cafe
- FT2 will defend bridge
- LMG will be set on the West side of Bridge, as seen on the map, and cover FT1
- As soon as FT1 captures Cafe, we will hold and wait until FT2 relieve us.
- When FT2 arrives, they will defend Cafe and FT1 will attack Chateau.
View attachment 1462
Something like that.
You would of course have the ability to erase, and other options to make it easier and optimize the time you debrief the section.
For me, at least, this is efficient and clear. I think it's simple to implement and to avoid idiots spamming the map, you will have a limited amount of icons/arrows and stuff, and there won't be any free-drawing, so people don't draw p*enises and such.
Maybe for Chapter I is not necessary since maps are small or something like that, but in Chapter II that would be great.