• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

The Hi I'm New Thread


[MENTION=1]General Naga[/MENTION], [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION], [MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION], thank you for the welcome. Maybe we can hop together into a PR server sometime :p


Hi all! I just decided to finally join the forums now. I first saw TW on moddb a couple of years ago, and have been following the development on and off since.
Anyhow, looking forward to see the progress of TW development this year!

Howzit my China? Welcome to the TW Forums!


Apparently there are more active members now. The first few months of this year there were like 200ish active members, now 300 something!

Wow yeah, 325! Just in the last week, there have been a bunch of new members. I wonder how numbers will explode on release day :eek: I hope the forum never really changes though, it's the best forum I've been on by miles.

And actually, we are approaching the 3500 mark!


Wow yeah, 325! Just in the last week, there have been a bunch of new members. I wonder how numbers will explode on release day :eek: I hope the forum never really changes though, it's the best forum I've been on by miles.

Hopefully the layout will be the same but it will be crowded as hell. It will be weird, I'm used to just a small number of people commenting on here. I can't imagine 50+ posts and topics per day!


I'm sure it will pick up even more soon. And yes, this forum design is super sweet - can't imagine the activity log on a busy day though lol.


The number of members increases, yet the number of members actually posting is merely the same. :confused:

I'm not sure if that's good or bad...

When we get a gameplay video, I have a feeling that the number of posts from new members is going to go up tenfold.