[MENTION=2473]Esu21[/MENTION] so I just registered... did using that code get me that 5000 UEC it says there?!
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What can you do in v2.0?
Thats rightFor the moment you can use them on the Voyager Direct shop,but I recommend affording them for the moment.
Another WWII product. Man, 2016/2017 are going to be worldwartwomadnessich.
Days of War by Driven Arts
There are rumors that Battlefield series and perhaps even the CoD series are going back to the ww2 stage since they practically ran out of ideas after jumping in the "future" bandwagon.
I heard that Battlefield is going to be set in WWI. This will be a hell of a twist!
Can you imagine ww2 or even ww1 with the frostbite engine? <3.<3
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam.
It's Rising Storm 2 retextured...