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Parabolic bullet trajectory

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Well-known member
The nominal range is simply a range issue- the Panzerfaust 60 and 100 use the same exact shape warhead, and only their propellant charge differs. The Panzerfaust 60 had range marks of 30 and 80 as well, and the Pzfaust 100 had 30 and 60.


The nominal range is simply a range issue- the Panzerfaust 60 and 100 use the same exact shape warhead, and only their propellant charge differs. The Panzerfaust 60 had range marks of 30 and 80 as well, and the Pzfaust 100 had 30 and 60.

but it is intrinsically related to the effective shot. As you can see the Panzerfaust 30 can be shooted at more than 30 mts.
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I took a little time to verify some simple calculus. To hit an objetive at 30 mts, with the Panzefaust 30 (initial speed: 30 meters per second) the shot angle have to be 8 degrees. So if the shot angle is 8 degrees, the hit angle has to be the same, because is a parabola. I did the same experiment with the Panzerfaust 60 (initial speed: 45 meters per second), and the result is the same, 8 degrees. I despiced the air resistance, but not modify alot the results, because the warhead has a considerable mass an a aerodinamic form.

So, this give me more doubts than responses. I don't know why the germans don't put and adjustable sight with wich you can aim objetives at more distance, considering that 8 degrees is not a big inclination, and the Panzerfaust can penetrate 200 mm at 30 degrees. Maybe the reason is the accuracy, I don't know


Well-known member
Probably accuracy related to be honest, and again, size of propellent charge limiting the over-all range. You could probably lob the Panzerfaust 30 out to 50 yards if you held it at the right angle, but by that point it's lost all momentum and might even start tumbling in flight (which would def alter results when it makes contact).


...but by that point it's lost all momentum and might even start tumbling in flight (which would def alter results when it makes contact).

mmm yes it is good observation, I was thinking something similar. Sadly I couldn't find information about that. The only weak point of this theory is that the self-stabilized projectiles generally stagger at the start of the flight , not the end , as with the arrows. I don't know what you mean with "tumbling" exactly. If there is no other force that alters the flight (eg wind) , the projectile should run its course normally. But yes, it's probably that all the technical characteristics (propellent charge, warhead aerodinamic, etc), affect the accuracy at long range. So, the krauts had to have big balls, yes it is haha
It might be that adjusting the aim is a few millimetres but the small differences matter if the game is what is claimed. It will be the attention to detail that separates an immersive game from a stereo-typical shooter that is just a fad. Ballistic modelling need only be a template with numbers for the weapon plugged in.
When's the alpha test? The more work you do before the test the more there will be to bring in line. Scares me to think about it! :rolleyes:
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