• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Defector from another WWII game

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Hey guys my name is GRINGOJS and I come from a game called Heroes and Generals. I've played that game for about 18 months and was very active in their community. Until recently, all my forum posts were being deleted and I was banned from forums for comprehensive critism and solutions to the current status of the game.

I've never used profanity, or violated forum rules, but a victim of administrate abuse. I own a 500 slot treamspeak that's completely ready to go when this hits open alpha/beta. I want to be a part of a community that can handle critism and welcome suggestions on improving gameplay.

I can provide a valuable resource to past mistakes Heroes and Generals made and help prevent future dissatisfaction.

Thank you and have a wonderful day!

Teamspeak ip: hammernsickle.servegame.com

Use this as you wish and invite your friends!


welcome [MENTION=3393]GRINGOJS[/MENTION]. We hope you spend great times here. The suggestions are always well received by the devs! Try to not be banned hahaha


Welcome fellow inmate! As you might notice, there are several exiled members from H&G and other games that have come here and seek refuge. You have come to the right place and we shall accept you as one.



Welcome [MENTION=3393]GRINGOJS[/MENTION]! I had a brief stint on the H&G forum in 2014, and I recall seeing you. I know what a complete and total pain in the ass Reto can be. You'll be happy to hear that TW has an outstanding team of developers, devoted to making a fun, realistic game. Feel free to pour criticisms, suggestions, any feedback you have onto the forum. Welcome to the jungle, and I hope you enjoy your stay :D


New Member
There are no Russians in this game, GRINGOJS, but there will be more fun in this game. Join us.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Welcome to the community [MENTION=3393]GRINGOJS[/MENTION]! We love hearing from the community so fire away - can't tell you what ideas/feedback will make the final cut but I can promise that we read everything you guys write :)

Personally I haven't played H&G but I can say we don't have micro-transactions.


Welcome to the community @GRINGOJS! We love hearing from the community so fire away - can't tell you what ideas/feedback will make the final cut but I can promise that we read everything you guys write :)

Personally I haven't played H&G but I can say we don't have micro-transactions.

Thanks that means A lot, I really like the work that has been put in thus far, Is there an open alpha/beta server available to join or we just gotta wait


New Member
It looks like everyone is leaving H&G (those toxic devs do rule with an iron fist!)

hopefully we can start new here, despite our past

heres to a new start!xD

i just hope that the devs in here are fair, thats all im asking for...


It looks like everyone is leaving H&G (those toxic devs do rule with an iron fist!)

hopefully we can start new here, despite our past

heres to a new start!xD

i just hope that the devs in here are fair, thats all im asking for...

Welcome to Traction Wars [MENTION=3418]Subass39[/MENTION], you won't be disappointed! The devs here are awesome guys! Just keep in mind that TW will - and I mean this very literally - be NOTHING like H&G. If you want a taste of something similar to what we can expect from TW, try PR:WW2 :)
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