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A penny for your screenshots!

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Senior Member
Guys tell me when you play PR, I wanna join :D

16th Alabama being best again (not full team, we are pretty big)



Vanguard Backer
I was given a unique oppertunity to withness a demonstration held by a high ranked Wehrmacht officer about proper usage of static MG emplacements using hands-free technology.
I wonder if TW will also simulate these superior Wehrmacht tactics.


Got one screenshot in the round we played; mmied prepares to make sh*t go down.



Got one screenshot in the round we played; mmied prepares to make sh*t go down.

"And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shalt be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thou foe, who being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."




1) On the foreground you see [MENTION=2433]FlyingR[/MENTION] with the mighty King Arthur power of leading. He ordered AS, but he is so powerful that everybody were scared as sh*t and sent two choppers instead of one, cause they don't want to disappoint the Mighty Lead.

2) On the stairs you see the real life saver [MENTION=2108]Aniallator[/MENTION], reviving, healing, reviving, healing etc.. He was so warm and cheerful that you felt that you don't need this sexy nurses to take care of you.. Awww :3

PS: These two choppers smashed theirselves but didn't blow up - don't know why. This PR is unrealistic as hell.. ;/


Senior Member
Damn, missed it because we had visitors then I totally forgot about it ;(
Can't make it today because we have visitors (again) and I have to study for sh*t ton of grades I get ;(


PS: These two choppers smashed theirselves but didn't blow up - don't know why. This PR is unrealistic as hell.. ;/
They weren't going that fast hahaha, but hey, I mean, you can magically make appear HMGs, TOWs, Sandbags and stuff, sooo yeah.

This weekend wasn't Weekend Madness, we just joined for fun. The WM is next week (7th and 8th)!


2) On the stairs you see the real life saver @Aniallator, reviving, healing, reviving, healing etc.. He was so warm and cheerful that you felt that you don't need this sexy nurses to take care of you.. Awww :3

Yup, that's me in a nutshell xD mmied + HAT kit = King of the Battlefield! Hope you guys have a fun WM this week!

From the diary of Flight Sergeant Ewan Podgorny, No. 8 Naval Squadron...

We were assigned a patrol near the Velu aerodrome. Major Anderson had us take Strutters up, given the Huns always have a flight on stand-by. Just when we crossed the German side of No Man's Land, we noticed a lone Albatros coming towards us. He had the courage, or perhaps the stupidity, to attack our five-strong patrol. The lad knew how to fly, and gave us a run for our money. In the end, however, he was no match for us. He had already taken some pot shots and one of them pierced his petrol tank. I managed to get behind him and fired, hoping to destroy his engine. He started spewing black smoke, then we saw flames licking out of the cockpit... We could hear him scream over the burble of our engines and the wind. He pointed his machine skyward... We saw a flash in his cockpit, the gunshot was barely audible. He went down, his once proud flying machine a torch...

It was a stark reminder why we carry a pistol when we go up...
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