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How the game is played

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Nice Mudra! Didn't know either! They were supposed to be at Point-du-Hoc, but when the Rangers climbed up, there were no cannons. The cannons were further inland, at Brecourt Manor, they were the ones that Easy Company took out and Wynn took a bullet to the ass, right?!

Nope, whole other story. The guns at Pointe du Hoc were French 155 mm GPF guns, they were stationed about a mile or so inland. They were captured by the Rangers and destroyed by thermite grenades, but it took them some time to do this. Brecourt Manor was even further inland.


It's not madness, it's SPAR-WWII-ONLINE!

Does anybody know what that game is? Seriously, I feel like only a few do...
For those who don't know, WWIIO is a MMO, it's a big ass world representing Western Europe, there's no loading nor transitions. There can simultaneous battles in different cities in different countries at the same time, and between each city there are few kms of distance. It's one, or the most realistic WWII game ever made.

http://www.battlegroundeurope.cz/images/world-war-ii-online-battleground-europe-ingame-map-large.jpg < this is the full map.

I was thinking (as well as mmied) a small scale version, only with the maps of Chapter 1. But yeah, it would take a long ass time to make such thing, but if that would happen it would be the best game in the world, without doubt.

WWIIOL needs a new engine. Just imagine how cool could be :)


Nice Mudra! Didn't know either! They were supposed to be at Point-du-Hoc, but when the Rangers climbed up, there were no cannons. The cannons were further inland, at Brecourt Manor, they were the ones that Easy Company took out and Wynn took a bullet to the ass, right?!

Reminds me of BF 1942, when the destroyers or battleships were beached on Midway and provided efficient naval support! Good times! :D

Brecourt manor guns were firing on Utah beach I think, not Omaha, the guns firing on Omaha were at pointe du hoc also the guns in brecourt manor were 10.5cm guns, where as the ones at pointe du hoc were 155mm I think.


Guys, pause a moment and think on what you're suggesting... combine the maps into one gargantuan map? That'll take years to complete, and even then, accuracy goes out the window because there's no way in hell all of Normandy can be remade with the same jaw-dropping detail as our current maps have been. Plus, future maps will take far, far longer.

It's a nice thought, but in truth, we'd be waiting a long time for something subpar in quality to what we already have. Anyway, I'm here to play a historically accurate and just f*cking beautiful realism game, not alternate ending mumbo jumbo ;)

Yes please, what he said, at least let them start with small but superbly done things , time and "donations" will tell later, and please no alternate **** parallel universe like Heroes & Generals, in any circumstance.


New Member
It's not madness, it's SPAR-WWII-ONLINE!

I tried to play WWIIOnline once. I ended up walking in a random direction because there was no one to follow and no one to give orders to me. After about a 30 minute walk through pixelated countryside, I got shot by something I could not see.

I mean, to be fair, Wolfenstein 3D seems to have better graphics (and game engine).


Realism is boring isn't it? :rolleyes:

You will never see WWIIO be repeated for a long time, that game is unique. It is hard to implement good graphics in a game of such magnitude. Plus I really don't care about the graphics... what's important is the gameplay. If TW was launched in 2001 as well, I would still be playing it today.

Look, join us this weekend in WWIIO, I guarantee you that you're gonna have loads of fun! :D


Flying, you are completely right!
There lot's of games that don't have great graphics but gameplay and mood in the game makes it better than game with great graphics but without soul. The great example is CS 1.6 - game that has ridiculous graphics you can say, but it still more popular than newest COD and BF put together..
The same thing goes with WWIIO, PR or whatever. Gameplay is the essence of having fun in the game.
This depends only what are your preferences.

As i was playing with Flying last time in WWIIO it amazed me how the map is BIIIIG.
Man, we were walking to the nearest city which was 2 km away from us. Imagine, how long it would have been in real life and put it in the game.. You can fall asleep on the keyboard! - but thats realism!
In PR maps are big, but distance of 2 kms is filled with lots of objectives/buildings/obstacles so you don't experience the distance. In WWIIO, there were only bushes and trees. If somebody expects from the game enermous realism, you would not find it elsewhere than WWIIO.


New Member
Realism is boring isn't it? :rolleyes:

Realism is following your superior's orders. Realism is being part of a squad/platoon/company and moving out as a team/unit. Not being left alone and forced to walk in a random direction because no one bothered to bark orders at you.

I would come and play, but I happen to be on holiday. (No access to my gaming PC)

As for realism, I love how RO2 does the tanks. As I said in another thread, I went to Bovington. I got to sit in the gunner seat of a Chieftain. It was awesome, and it reminded me how awesome RO2 does tanks.

Only 2 downsides. (At first glance)
I'll explain below.

1. General Incompetence.
People tend to lock the tank so they can play with AI crew. I tend to keep it unlocked. This is where 2 things can happen.

1a. You're the commander, and you get a crew that refuses to follow orders and don't know what they're doing.
1b. You're a crewmember, and you get a commander that doesn't give you orders and doesn't know what he is doing.

1a. I was the commander of a T-34 and I decided to wait for a player crewmember. He was the driver. He couldn't even tell the gas pedal from the brake. When we did get to the battle and a Pz.Kpfw. IV popped up, he kept moving around. As such I could not get the gun on target and the Pz. IV knocked us out.

1b. I tried the tank vs tank gamemode. I was the driver of a Pz.Kpfw. IV. But, our commander was a total mute. I wanted to hear from the commander where to go, where to drive to. But hearing nothing from him, I just drove. After a while I parked the tank in what seemed like a safe spot. It wasn't. Because I couldn't see anything, I thought we were in a safe spot when we were actually out in the open. After a T-34 knocked us out, the commander started to use all sorts of colorful language in CAPSLOCK to tell me I was a noob driver.

The second downside is personal.
2. You can't play as the loader. D:


It's a shame man!

God, don't get me started on that, please don't!!!!!! There's a whole other thread about it tanks in TW!


But RO2's system equates to few actual tanks; they have four, and that's with Tripwire's resources! That said, use the tank thread if you're going to talk tanks ;)
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