• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Traction War's Competitors

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There are loads of people they could ask... Project Reality, Arma, WWIIOL...
I know, but we were talking about them wondering if they could ask devs of other games, I would hope if TW asked for assistance to WWIIO or Arma or PR, they would accept (but maybe I'm living in an imaginary world were people help each other for the best?).

Oh well, we have to assume it, it might take a while for the game to come out, so I guess we should just stop insisting on the team. The game will come out when it has to... We just have to keep on supporting them, all we can do, I guess.


Well,is the only F2P WW2 game that I know with "modern" graphics and that my friends can play. Also, is quite addictive if your "good" at it ;)
yeah, it looked gorgeous...
their engine can't even handle smoke.
Hiring would imply money passes hands. Money does not pass hands, it's a voluntary role, so we are unfortunately in a position where we must rely on a volunteer basis. Many of the devs that work on TW are working full time within the games dev field or similar areas. We work on this for the love of the project and for the love of the theme.

Also, somethings just dawned on me with this thread. "Being a firm believer in competition among rivals" - there's not been a post made like this on the FE forums... Perhaps as a 'loyal follower' of FE, this is a pretty elaborate bit of advertising FE as alive via our forums... perhaps not - but - wishful thinking ey.

So we will take a leaf from our own book and trust our community to not spam competitors forums with this sort of tactic.

Not exactly sure what you mean about a similar post being made on the FE forums ?? Why would I make a post on Jackboot, putting on display vidoes that THEY THEMSELVES released ? I dont follow you, that doesn't make sense. The fact is you have no game play videos out, so what your talking about is an impossibility. Perhaps if you released some game play vids, then I could go back to FE forums and make a similar post about how TW is a viable competitor.


Well-known member
I'd hardly call that a gameplay video, it's proof of life, but gameplay - far from. We have plenty of videos (examples here for those interested : https://www.youtube.com/user/tractionwars/videos) Not to mention the dozens of videos people can't see of dev play tests.

The above comment just further reaffirms my belief this thread is just here to cause some upset.


Hey @Heinrich Springer check the Media secion man, there are quite a few videos, with great quality and detail! And as they said, we don't need you going around posting the TW videos in other forums.

Not to mention the dozens of videos people can't see of dev play tests.
Damn, you guys are having all the fun (6) hahaha!


Pathfinder Games
I hardly think hate is the emotion I would feel after watching some well-deserved TW gameplay footage!

Although a lot of fun was had, there's not much representation of the game in there.

Maybe it does come down to egos, but a much less self-centred term. Like, I wouldn't want to show off work I'm not completely satisfied with because it represents me, and if I don't think it represents me in a way that I would like it to then I would rather not show it. If that makes sense?

There will be videos in good time. I've only just finished university, and with a lot of pressure to start the rest of my life now I can't and have not been personally able to put as much time into TWs as I and others would like. But that's unfortunately the permanent curse of this game.


Well, right now I'd be happy to see any TW footage/screenshots of anything in the game that's more or less finished. However, I completely understand and respect your guys' reasons for being slow with updates/videos, and I'm happy to wait (metaphorically happy, anyway). Our respect for all of you will never diminish, if that's what you're concerned about! And congrats on finishing university!


[MENTION=376]calgoblin[/MENTION] Hey I just finished uni too! Congrats!! Finding a job is sort of a *****...
But hey, man, we would love to see you guys goofing around with what you have. We are here to have fun, not to judge anybody.

If you guys have fun showing the product we will get more into the game because apart from being realistic and serious, we also want to enjoy it! I would love to see the videos, but as Ani (that's how I'm calling you now, too lazy to type the whole thing) said, we will respect your decisions even if we don't like it!


If you guys have fun showing the product we will get more into the game because apart from being realistic and serious, we also want to enjoy it! I would love to see the videos, but as Ani (that's how I'm calling you now, too lazy to type the whole thing) said, we will respect your decisions even if we don't like it!

Ha ha, okay ;)


Well... I don't think we should force them to show something, its like you're going to your tailor and telling him to give you your unfinished suit so you can wear it and you wont judge him for it... I'd rather wait until they are actually ready to show it off.. only then can you appreciate the true beauty of this project. Won't you agree?


Well... I don't think we should force them to show something, its like you're going to your tailor and telling him to give you your unfinished suit so you can wear it and you wont judge him for it... I'd rather wait until they are actually ready to show it off.. only then can you appreciate the true beauty of this project. Won't you agree?

But sometimes the tailor tells you to come try it out before he finishes the suit so he can see if it fits well... what then? Nobody forces anybody anything, we are just asking for asking, we know we will get the updates, videos and the game when they are ready. I respect that they have to do the game perfectly before any updates or the actual game, but I don't have a problem at all, I'll wait, I don't mind.

However, Sydd, get in our point of view too, there are people here that have registered a year or 2 ago. There are few like drummer93, Ani, and many others that have been supporting the game and have an amazing patience of still being here despite a low amount of updates and videos since the beginning of this game, that is great dedication and love for the game. But there are more than 1000 who stopped coming here because of the small activity.

Now, I am not blaming anyone. The dev is doing an absolute outstanding job even though they have their real life ordeals, and I believe that what they are doing is 100% quality that it's hard to find in most games today or ever. I fully support the team and you will see me logging in almost every day and participating in the forums because their hard work is really respectable and worth every minute.


Well said, the tailor part tho' you only go when he calls you to try it on tho' no? ;)

Yes getting back to your point, I can understand our perspective very well. It's obvious people will just come in, see whats going on in the forums, keep an eye on it and eventually give up simply because they cannot download the game or there aren't enough updates. I don't blame them and I most certainly have respect for true fans like ani (If you think I am actually going to spell out your entire name you are mistaken, I'm too lazy :c besides I hate it when I spell something wrong)
But then again, asking the devs to post updates regularly is not something that I would do (it is my opinion and it varies from person to person) and my reasoning is simply because I would like the devs to truly show it off in their updates you know? But yes if they made dev diaries discussing what they are currently working on, getting to know them a bit.. that would most certainly be nice.

I think both of us could settle for dev diaries/logs.
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