Well I'm not a dev, but I can answer a few of these for you...
We all know that you want to give out as little info about the game as possible to surprise us whilst we play, keeping that in mind, will it be possible to join the German faction during operation OverLord?
We can play as the Germans, yes.
Secondly, will it be linear? As in historically accurate? Or the axis can actually defeat the allies?
Not sure what you mean here.
Ranks: Will there be a progressive system in this game? If so, what sort of ranking structure will the player follow?
I don't know, but I don't think there'll be a rank system... personally, I'd prefer not to have one.
Ranking just encourages playing for oneself rather than for the team; TW encourages the opposite. Ranking implies a point system to go up in rank, and points, too, encourage one to play for oneself. Even team-oriented points, like capturing an objective; let's say you're an LMG gunner. You
should be set up on those sandbags laying down suppressive fire as your squad advances to capture the objective, but instead, you're off to cap the objective with your squad because you want to get those points. In a game like TW, point and rank systems just don't make sense.
Also, will there be a possibility to see the rank badges in game? (As far as the germans are concerned atleast, they had shoulder badges for the lieutenants and unteroffitzers. As for the Americans, they had the stripes right? So will this be implemented in the game?
Yes. In screenshots, you can see that the NCO has corporal's stripes on his sleeve. If you're referring to player ranks, then I don't know; it depends on whether or not we'll have player ranks at all.
can there be a feature in which the tank can be repaired?
There won't be, simply because for one man to repair a damaged or knocked out tank with a wrench just isn't realistic.
Will wind, humidity and gravity be factors affecting bullet drop?
Not sure about those factors, but I know bullet drop will be realistic.
What classes are you planning on implementing in the game, in the future are there plans for more classes?
Well, we already know of Assault, Bren Gunner, Grenadier, NCO, Rifleman, and Sapper classes; keep in mind, these are Brit classes, and German classes haven't been released yet. It's easy to guess a few more classes. A Marksman or Sniper class with a scoped rifle, a Mortarman class with a light mortar, and an Anti-Tank class with anti-tank equipment. Check out
Part One and
Part Two of the news update A Touch of British Class for more info on the known classes.
Personally, I'm dying to have a Medic and a Radioman class!
Hope this helped.