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Ask the Dragon

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The early blitzkrieg campaigns seem to be some of the most neglected areas in WWII history. What are some of the greatest misconceptions surrounding these early battles?

How well equipped was the German army able to actually carry out blitzkrieg tactics in 1939 and 1940?

How accurate is the common perception of Polish forces as woefully incapable of halting the German advance?

If Germany had forcibly annexed Czechoslovakia, how might this situation have played out militarily?

I'll stop there I guess.:)


New Member
What's your favourite kind of Wurst and why?


I mean uhh what was the state of the Polish armament during the invasion?

Talking rifles, lmgs, smgs, etc

I do believe they had a licensed version of the B.A.R but not so sure about the other stuff or how much of it was used


The average Polish squad in 1939 was equipped with Mauser type bolt action rifles, with wz1928 lmg (a BAR derivative) as fire support. The Mors smg had been just developed, but as far as I know it was never issued as a general item or mass produced.


Well-known member
The average Polish squad in 1939 was equipped with Mauser type bolt action rifles, with wz1928 lmg (a BAR derivative) as fire support. The Mors smg had been just developed, but as far as I know it was never issued as a general item or mass produced.


Please leave questions unanswered in the thread. Point is that a detailed answer to a few of them at a time (of my choice) will be posted as a Dev Blog in the coming weeks. ;)


Vanguard Backer
I feel like this will leave out some questions unawnsered and those who try to awnser them will be frowned upon...


New Member
I feel like this will leave out some questions unawnsered and those who try to awnser them will be frowned upon...

There are no unanswered questions here at the moment, simply questions that have not been answered yet (little difference but a difference nonetheless)

Myself and I'm sure the others who asked questions would like a proper in-depth answer than just a simple half-assed one


Vanguard Backer
Yeah well what I'm saying some guys like you who are expecting their questions awnsered might get a tap on the back and "maybe next time" instead.

detailed answer to a few of them at a time (of my choice) will be posted

Imo no need to compile questions and awnser them in batches like this, we already have forums for that and as far as I noticed mudra answers questions regularely, if we had 500 posts a day and a big crowd than that would be the best approach, but we don't.

Not to mention asking peopple who might aswell have a proper answer to "keep quiet this is my thread" is a bit degratory, like saying Mudra is the only person who needs to be worshiped and everybody else is not educated enough to have a voice, or should we start "Ask Pjosip" and "Ask PersonX" thread aswell?

Also there is no difference from "unawnsered" and "not awnsered yet", they are the same thing...
There is a difference between "unawnsered" and "refused/chose not to answer".
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Vanguard Backer
Btw don't take my comment the wrong way, I am not hating or trying to argue, just voicing my concerns ;)
I am in fact looking forward to reading as much material Mudra can post :)


New Member
"Keep quiet this is my thread"

You ever heard the phrase "putting words in my mouth"?

Regardless, the thread is called ask the dragon not ask the community, there are plenty of other threads people can go to ask questions and have them answered by the community.

stop whining


Vanguard Backer
stop whining

How lovely...

Also I am not putting any words in anybody's mouth, might want to double-check your statements.

Von mudra posted these words himself:

I would ask that we not answer questions in the thread. No matter how obvious they may be, please leave them for me to get to as a possible choice.

As I said I am simply voicing my concerns.


New Member
How does "I would ask that we not answer questions in the thread. No matter how obvious they may be, please leave them for me to get to as a possible choice" equate to "Keep quiet this is my thread"?

blah blah blah you are whining when there is absolutely no reason to be doing so.


Well-known member
The structure of this thread is very much like the Community Questions thread. The point is to gather some interesting topics that I can look at as a dev blog, with the point being not only to answer them, but to better broadcast what the Research Department does. Due to limited space, I can only answer 2-3 at a time with any detail- but I will answer as many questions as I can over a period of updates. If I do not get to you in the first one, I might just get to you in the second or third one.

Beyond that, expect the news update soon (we're just working on fitting it into our update schedule), and I will try to pack as much information into the answers as I can, as well as giving possible reading material that would help one further explore the subject matter, as a way of showing the kind of research and the amount of reading the Research Department does.


Here is a question, we often see allied soldiers give Chocolat or Coka Cola to the civilians of the countries they liberate. Was this from their personal rations? was this a propaganda setup? where there special logistics to give this to the population by soldiers in order to win over the local population?


Vanguard Backer
@Mudra thanks for a civil explanation, I understand why this is done now and I hope my concerns will not come true.

Anyways heres my Q
Here in school we learn about Partizans and their actions, but how much influence did those actions have in WWII?
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