Welcome to the Vanguard Community
These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.
The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.
A live one - with the correct firearms certificate, is roughly 20% more expensive - but the additional costs of owning one far exceeds that.
There are some neat vintage weapons here . . . but still, the number of people who own guns disturbs me . . .
I wanted to address this to the side. The sad thing is that the permitting process in Britain appears to be the same scheme with the automatic weapon tax in the United States. In the 1930's they tacked on a $200 dollar tax and requirement to register to any fully automatic weapon in the United States. The ultimate goal was to make said firearms so expensive that they would eventually phase out of existence. Which is exactly what happened. In 1968 the most sweeping firearms bill in american history was passed. In the 1980's the firearms advocates in the United States managed to get some of the more extreme measures of that law repealed by allowing the ban of newly manufactured "machienguns" which no longer had a voter base to defend it.
Basically so long as there is a significant portion of the population that can afford something, and they enjoy that something then there will be a voter base to defend it. If you make it too costly then that voter base disappears....
I think the main issue surrounding any 'vote' on firearms is the UK, is that simply, not a lot of people actively hold an interest in them. It's not seen as a birth right - to coin a phrase - to own weapons. Most people aren't confident around them, a large proportion of people are scared of them, all be that through personal experience or more likely the general portrayal of 'guns' in British media.
I guess in summary, yeah we have strict (ish) laws on guns, but it's by no means as strict as what people outside of the UK (or inside the UK lol) As said - it's an expensive hobby, if I had a spare £2k I'd take it up - but alas I don't.
Please explain yourself.
I shouldn't need to. Why wouldn't I be disturbed that a lot of people own guns? With some exceptions, of course, I dislike seeing normal people with guns. That is, people who have guns just because they can, or for "defense". IRL guns are guns, they can kill you. I once passed someone on the street, and I happened to catch the outline of a handgun in their pocket, and let me tell you, that scared the living sh*t out of me. Personally, I don't want to own something designed to kill people. I'll stick to video games for that.
That's all well and good that you don't want to own a gun, but that doesn't mean you should say you're disturbed by others owning guns.
I shouldn't need to. Why wouldn't I be disturbed that a lot of people own guns? With some exceptions, of course, I dislike seeing normal people with guns. That is, people who have guns just because they can, or for "defense". IRL guns are guns, they can kill you. I once passed someone on the street, and I happened to catch the outline of a handgun in their pocket, and let me tell you, that scared the living sh*t out of me. Personally, I don't want to own something designed to kill people. I'll stick to video games for that.
Is it that hard to headspace a Lee enfield? If the space is to big, then you take out the bolt, unscrew the end, look for the number on the end piece, look for a new one with a higher number (you have 0, 1 ,2 and 3) screw one on with a higher number. Shoot some more.
once your 3 is no longer good then you probably shot over 20k bullets and probably could do with a new barrel also.
My fiance for example (a very short cute man, the klink is gay)
Always glad to meet another of the HOMOSEX who is pro-gun! xD And congrats on the engagement!
Oh god they're everywhere ()
Technically speaking, not all firearms are designed to kill people and not all firearms are even designed to kill at all! A race gun for example is not designed to kill anything at all just punch holes in paper.
A weapon technically is a tool with which to more efficiently apply violence. Violence is the action of using physical or psychological force to coerce another party into a set of behavior. When a policeman tackles a criminal that is violence. Therefore we know that an expression of violence can be a force of good or ill in the world. A weapon such as a firearm merely is a tool with which violence is performed like knives and bats much in the same way my chisels, gouges and files are used for carpentry. With this tool, a weapon a person can express violence for good in the world. My fiance for example (a very short cute man, the klink is gay) survived a potentially lethal mugging in bridgeport because he saw them coming at him and scared him off with a pistol. He therefore used the threat of physical injury (aka psychology) to coerce actions out of other people. He committed an act of violence by the definition lain out above, but it prevented injustice.
In my previous post responding to you I posted that less than 0.002% of all firearms in the United States are involved in some sort of a crime. More than that I've found an interesting psychological change in myself since I got my permit and started carrying a pistol. I'm calmer, and MUCH more concerned with calming situations down before they get out of hand. Every day I have a big lump of metal pressed firmly against me reminding me of how bad a situation can get if it leaps out of control. Those situations could get dire enough to result in someone's death even without the firearm. The first aid kit I also carry just reinforces that feeling.
The fact that people feel obligated to carry their gun with them wherever they go disturbs me most.
I don't mean any offense or anything, but that statement sounds exactly like something a big wig Republican would say to justify our current gun lawsThe fact that people feel obligated to carry their gun with them wherever they go disturbs me most. All things aside, though, I have my opinion and you have yours, so we'll keep it that way. And . . . congratulations on your engagement? I just hope I haven't joined a completely homosexual community xD And please don't make assumptions, I never said a thing about what I think the world should be like.
If I was in the US, or if that was the case here, then that would disturb me as well. I don't trust people very easily, let alone strangers with weapons in their pockets who may shoot me (giggity).
(I fear this thread should be renamed Guns n' Gays.)