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WWII Environment

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
The speed of the Cromwell will probably make that a feasible tactic to some extent but I would expect you to be either lucky or against an incompetent opponent in order to run rings around a Panzer IV ;)

Hard to say for sure though as we haven't tested tank combat fully yet as our focus is towards infantry development at the moment.
Well, if i get experienced enough in tanks, i don't even need a noob opponent.
What i do is basically rushing into him zigzaggin'... Then i take a shot and turn around behind the closest cover... The guy searchs for me and doesn't because i'm now behind him.

It works all the time. The only time i lose is with bad-luck or a too high level ennemy.



Well-known member
In theory the Cromwell will be the fastest medium tank in the game. In practice, this is normandy, so expect hedgerows eventually, which will mean being stuck to the roads and unable to maneuver at all :p


Well-known member
Hopefully this is ok to divulge here, but I've been having a blast wizzing about one of our maps on an internal build. :) The Cromwell feels quick and I can surely imagine more skilled players out-maneuvering a beginner. Our environments should be open enough to apply any real world tactics ;)
here is a lesson on the environment .there are three different types of terrain in war the first is called restricted terrain the second sustaining terrain and the last one is decisive terrain. restricted terrain like urban and heavly wooded areas are dangerous for tanks without infantry support but are great for a smaller force to maneuver faster than a larger force. sustaining terrain also know as shaping terrain for shaping the battle has lots of cover but also lots of fields of fire which supports movement and maneuver . decisive terrain is also called key terrain. decisive terrain is where the battle is decided upon . it can be a chock point like a river crossing roadcenter or hilltop it is called decisive terrain because it influences the surrounded area as a strong point
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The environment of the battlefield in unfavorable terrain could be fortified with wire entanglements and tetrahedrons to channel the opposing force in areas of strong natural terrain features as a kill zone .also another deception would be to heavily use fortifications to strengthen unfavorable terrain as to miss lead the opposing force into believing the strong natural landscapes are the main effort in the defence.
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Vanguard Backer
My suggestion is to have certain gamechanging destructable enteties.
For instance you can have a brick wall between 2 buildings that a tank can pass trough (doesen't need to be a fancy physics destruction, just make it break when a tank rams it) and open new strategical element to the game.

If possible, you can have 2 (or more, 2 is a good start) different types of destruction.
A fancy physics one, where you can see bricks falling down in great detail for those who have high-end PC's.
A simple one, that simply despawns the wall and spawns rubble around it.

The animated physics version is rendered locally, and bricks would despawn when you get out of the area or just after certain time period, while the other version is global, the rubble appears the same for everybody.

That way you can offer both a performance solution and eye candy for those who can handle it.
There are coincidentally two environments in a world war two first person shooter.Theres that of call of duty as an ambush trail that nerver lets you get off the beated war path. Then theres the free to rome and go anywhere arma map which left out the fake mock up buildings that you cant enter in in their latest release. Now the arma approach sounds more realistic to me.
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New Member
I'm with the destructible buildings. There were countless accounts of tank crews using the tactic of when entering a village; piercing a church tower with an AP round and then following up with an HE just in case there was a sniper lurking inside. [emoji4]This was more prevalent later in the war when German church's were open season compared to the allies ones [emoji11]
Lets not join the fray of a skirmish map encounter but engage a world war conflict to take territory in massively multiplayer online way.
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As for destructible environment most will benefit : tank's,artillery,air force and some times navy .

So if destructible environment going to happened Infantry will be in big problems .
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