• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Questions for devs

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I love realistic FPS games, so I have few questions regarding your game:

1. Why FTP game and not just sell it as final product? I can see you guys wanna go the route that Heroes and Generals and Warface have taken.

2. How many players on server?

3. Unlimited or balanced classes for the sake of gameplay?

4. Your future strategy for advertising the game? I would think word of mouth trough steam correct?

I will update more questions as they come to me, btw from what I have seen visuals look great, great work.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Welcome [MENTION=1947]SolitarioSoldat[/MENTION]

1. Money complicates things. We've always said we'll be F2p besides I've yet to see an F2P game which successfully adds micro-transactions without giving paying players an unfair advantage.

2. 32 has been confirmed but we make no secret at wanting to increase the cap - we can't confirm where the cap will be until we've done large scale testing.

3. Classes will be limited/capped for realism and gameplay. You won't see a team comprising all snipers ;)

4. Advertising at the moment is by word of mouth. We may make an appearance at some of the larger conferences nearer release but for now we're focusing on development.

Hope that helps :)


New Member
"I can see you guys wanna go the route that Heroes and Generals and Warface have taken"


Also I have a question, have you guys decided on how big a squad will be? :eek:
Welcome @SolitarioSoldat

1. Money complicates things. We've always said we'll be F2p besides I've yet to see an F2P game which successfully adds micro-transactions without giving paying players an unfair advantage.

2. 32 has been confirmed but we make no secret at wanting to increase the cap - we can't confirm where the cap will be until we've done large scale testing.

3. Classes will be limited/capped for realism and gameplay. You won't see a team comprising all snipers ;)

4. Advertising at the moment is by word of mouth. We may make an appearance at some of the larger conferences nearer release but for now we're focusing on development.

Hope that helps :)

I understand once you start charging for release of full game, after certain amount that have been earned you guys need to start paying certain amount of percentage to the Graphic engine tthat you are using, either that or full Crytek rights purchase which is out of questions and its expensive.

Game should be realistic and I can see it is by the vids with the weapons: time for ADS, sway, movements, no crosshair etc etc etc it all looks great and realistic, that part you got covered good from what I see. Also great for classes restrictions and vehicles restrictions, there is no class restrictions and barely any in Heroes and generals, while Red Orchestra 2 have nailed it on the balance. I hope you guys go with realistic bullet damage and its ballistics.

As you mentioned there will be 32 players per server, such a shame if you guys cant reach 64 due to too much stress on the servers, seems that the latest Crytek should be capable for larger numbers of players.

This is just an opinion, and you know what I mean the way the route Heroes and Generals and Warface has taken is just plain wrong..... Why don't you guys actually charge for what really game should charge for and is well deserved specially in this case since it will be FTP game? I'm speaking of charging for new good quality maps, for example you release game with 8-12 maps but since is FTP you can play only 4 chosen maps that are available at the time on the servers, and if you want to play the rest of the servers you need to pay so you can enjoy them.

This way no one will feel ripped off, nor others will feel unfair cause of the advantage that people who pay get extra weapons and stuff or XP or whatever.

This is well deserved money by you'r end and well spent money by our end + will keep the game life span as long as you guys release new maps, maybe release new maps every 6 months and charge for it and I'm sure people will aknowledge that its a fair charge for hard work involved.

No devs do this in FTP game, they just release the game and charge for weapons, skins , vehicles, clothing..... but all of that junk wont keep the game alive, new maps is a fair trade for the developer and consumer relationship.


Vanguard Friend
I think you misunderstood the meaning of FTP for TW. They think of it as Linux people would say, "free as in free beer".
Meaning, it's free like an open-source product usually is (although technically TW is closed source), as in everyone can join to play, and those who want to contribute can join to dev and support the game by putting up servers for it. If they decide to support modding one day (it's a lot of work!) it might become more "free as in free speech", meaning people can modify the game themselves to their liking.

The people here are doing this out of passion, not any potential profit (yet :p). And we should all be thankful that such people exist and try to contribute in any way we can, even if the only thing we can do is play the game once it's released and spread the word.

Personally, once they make it big (and I'm sure they will, even if it will take a few more years), I wouldn't mind paying a decent sum for a WWII game of good quality.
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I'm very well aware of the word of mouth, its actually how Red Orchestra 2 hit huge sales vs the first RO. I have already played the first one and noticed that the devs are all they were saying to be. It was no brainer to help spread the word and help them out and along the way help us out to gain more players for better gaming experience.

They had beta, there were bugs, time passed by and bugs were fixed etc etc etc, but they had good sales for sure and they deserved it. But time has passed by and while RO2 is extremely fun to play, we all do need a lil break and play something else that's in the same domain but yet somewhat different.


You can't really promote a game with just pictures. People want gameplay, which as far as I know isn't here yet.. sadly :(
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