• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Community Questions #3

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New Member
Oh well that's good. I guess you won't like Community Questions #4 then where we'll announce it will be an exclusive to Origin and you can only connect to a game after waiting for 5 hours unless you buy Traction-Credits!

(All info is not correct at time of typing.)

Heartless monster



Thanks for the positive update guys :) keep up the good work I've been excited about this game since I first found it to be a work in progress!
A force d'attendre, pensez vous que les membres auront un manque d'intérêt pour ce jeu gratuit. Est que par cette longueur de développement, ils partent par exemple sur le jeu payant Feastung Europa ?
Vous pensez approchez le jeu en y donnant un graphisme superbe, tout en le gardant pour vous, ceux-ci vous faites ce que vous voulez, mais depuis votre annonce, je deviens impatient d'y jouer. Je me fiche de l'aspect qui n'est pas final, mais seulement de voir déjà ce que vous avez réalisés.

Maintenant je respect votre décision, mais je peux vous dire qu'en gardant un jeu longtemps dans sa boite, il y a des joueurs qui ont désertés les forums, je pense à Casus Belli un mods qui a duré longtemps pour Crysis Wars et qui maintenant est devenu désert, je pense aussi à Stargate la Relève un mods sous Battlefield 2, après 5 ans de développement, les joueurs pensés avoir un jeu superbe, il en ressort que 600Mo de mods et déserté au bout de deux semaines.

Et vous pensez vous tenir plus longtemps
Sorry, google translate
A strength to wait , do you think members have a lack of interest in this free game . By this is that development length , for example they leave the game fee Feastung Europa ?
Think you approach the game there giving great graphics , while keeping for you, these will do what you want, but since your ad , I get excited to play . I do not care about the appearance is not final , but only to see what you have already achieved.

Now I respect your decision, but I can tell you that keeping a long game in its box , there are players who deserted the forums, I think Casus Belli mods that lasted a long time for Crysis Wars and now became desert, I also think the Stargate mods in a Changing Battlefield 2 , after 5 years of development , the players thought to have a great game , it appears that 600MB of mods and deserted after two weeks.

And you think you take longer


New Member
I think there is great interest and this train is moving at a faster pace than Festung Europa and the FE forums are still fairly active.

Just because the posting Is slow doesn't mean the anticipation has dissipated.



Well-known member
We've an awful lot going on behind the scenes, and we're making more progress now than we have done in recent times. The difficulty we face is that we are often at the mercy of the engine - and if it changes we must adapt to over come. In the long run, it will make for a much better gaming experience. For now, keep tuned, whilst things seem quiet on a media front - we've lots done, we're just not quite ready to show what has been going on as yet :)
Oh well that's good. I guess you won't like Community Questions #4 then where we'll announce it will be an exclusive to Origin and you can only connect to a game after waiting for 5 hours unless you buy Traction-Credits!

(All info is not correct at time of typing.)
Aw that sucks, i wouldn't mind playing a one time fee of say 60 bucks or so to actually own the game, why don't they start a Kickstarter campaign to raise money?


New Member
But where will we be withought micro-transactions?

I know I'm going to be purchasing a laser sight and high explosive rounds for my Kar98 as well as a fully automatic bolt.

For my Tank obviously a hydrolic lowrider System and extra barrel attachments with a 120mm autoloader system. 45 mounted machine guns and loaded with high explosive nuclear rounds and to top all that off God mode and infinite jump height aswell as big head for a laugh.



Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Aw that sucks, i wouldn't mind playing a one time fee of say 60 bucks or so to actually own the game, why don't they start a Kickstarter campaign to raise money?

Because we can't monetize Traction Wars with our current license.

And as always - money involves a lot of headache and unnecessary focus on just that; money.

We want to give it out free (as in NO one-time payment, and NO micro-transactions (why would you even want that?)).

Thought people liked freebies, but I'm starting to doubt it, haha!

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