• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

The Hi I'm New Thread


Hey Guys,

Just noticed this thread.:rolleyes: 42yo gamer git been looking for a good WWII shooter since.... well, since they stopped making them! This one looks very promising, so I hope you don't mind me kicking about your forum.




Hi i'm new :D
i like to make 3d models every now and then and would like to contribute some in the future. I would absolutely join the team but, i can't dedicate as much time as would be needed and in a few months i leave to usmc bootcamp so i can't be around forever.

I too just noticed this thread


I am blurr22. I have known about this game for quite awhile and have recently become quite interested in helping out with the project. I'm happy to say that I sent in a request for TWDEV and am hoping to get accepted and be a part of this wonderful game with you guys! If I could get a reply back sometime soon I would be most appreciative.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Welcome to the community [MENTION=1419]blurr22[/MENTION]. We're in the process of handling your application.


Alright, I sent you a private message which changed my application a tad bit saying I would rather be TWDEV instead of the TWCON I out on the application.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Alright, I sent you a private message which changed my application a tad bit saying I would rather be TWDEV instead of the TWCON I out on the application.

Received safely. Sorry I haven't had time to respond to it properly but I tagged it onto your application don't worry :)


Hi guys,
I'm Feld, I don't have that much to say about myself expect for the fact that I'm a sloth.
Is it alright if I just stick here around not doing much expect to forum a little until there are new alpha/beta testers needed, there's not much I am able to do expect giving a few suggestions and report bugs......
Anyways, I was wondering if the game is going to run/runs on apple?

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Welcome to the community Feldmeijer!

In answer to your question - in all likely hood we simply can't support OSX. CRYENGINE which is the underlying engine behind Traction Wars doesn't support OSX sadly. It may come in the future but considering at the moment even Windows 8 isn't "officially" supported I don't think that will happen any time soon.

We'd like to support both OSX and Linux but it's not up to us unfortunately.


Thank you sir!
Maybe my old Windows XP Computer can run the game... (oh god the lag)

By the way, how long is 'In the future' going to be? I'm so exited.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
By the way, how long is 'In the future' going to be? I'm so exited.

However much we'd like to answer that question we just can't. This is a massive project with far too many variables, it's simply impossible to reliably predict when everything will be ready.

I always used to hate exactly this answer from devs but from the other side of the fence I can see it's the only safe answer to give.