The T-34 is superior to the panzer.
Depends what T-34 and Panzer you're talking about.
Panzer 1, 2, 3, and most early IV's? Yes of course.
Panzer IV G, H, J? About equal. Panzer IV had better gun, but T-34 was smaller with probably better all round protection. However, the Panzer IV by then could knock out the T-34 with the same ease it could do the Sherman, so the better all round protection wasn't that important, whereas the Panzer IV could reliably deflect T-34 rounds to the front hull. Now the T-34-85 equaled out the gun, but the 85mm was still less accurate.
Panzer V? Absolutely not. Panther was just as fast with better armour, gun, and crew comfort than both T-34 and T-34-85.
Panzer VI? Superior driving sure, but still less armour (even with it's slope), and of course worse gun and far less crew comfort (which is rather important). Only thing the T_34 had going for it weapon wise was it could penetrate front, as the T-34-85 type, at ranges less than 500 yards, but even then it had to be an essentially flat on shot, something rather hard to pull off, but still enough of a danger that Otto Carius mentioned this in his memoirs.