• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

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isn't he meaning Austria? :)

FNQ = Far North Queensland, which is an area in Australia. "Aussies" generally refer to Australians, he had me confused for a second too, since his flag says Germany, Austria would make more sense - geographically speaking.
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New Member
T.Y. naga sry for long reply time forgot password and email I used to start acct with. Hope you guys stay true to realism and make a great game can't wait to play and @ Raul I think t.w. will blow up with hng players when it goes live.


New Member
When it's released, will there be any hope for Aussies living in FNQ to have a good game (OK ping & fps) even though our internet provided is S**t? Otherwise i'll have to go back to Germany. -.-

PS: The bad fps definitely is not due to my PC when ArmA runs fine on it (40 fps) :§​

I don't think location is going to affect FPS lol

But it shouldn't be too bad if they even have U.S servers

I can play fine on those.

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Location won't affect FPS - that's down to game performance. Location will affect ping though which is what can make games jittery in multiplayer.

Hopefully when release comes there will be a range of community and official servers in North-America, Europe and Oceania to choose from. We certainly won't be putting all our official servers all in one place.


Vanguard Backer
Well I saw ping affecting FPS in H&G, so I am starting to trust my judgement...


Vanguard Backer
What's the deal with H&G?
Don't you guys play any OTHER games?
Well, no reason for me to bring up Minecraft, Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, Battlefield play4free, Battlefield 2, Battlefield: Bad Company, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Conpany of Heroes,Comany of Heroes 2, Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingad, Assassins Creed, Assassins Creed Brotherhood, Assassins Creed Relevations, Assassins Creed 3, Assassins Creed Black Flag,Space Engineers,Killing Floor, Half Life, Half Life 2, Gmod, Blac Mesa Sorce,Half Life 2 Multiplayer, Portal, Portal 2,Team Fortress,World of Tanks, Warthunder, Grand Theft Auto , Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City,T he Ship, Sniper Elite V2, Dino D-Day, Dota 2, Warcraft: Frozen Throne, True Crime: new York City, Super Maro Yoshi's Island, Super Mario 3, Teme Park, Uncharted, Red Faction: Guerilla, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light, Robocraf, Roblox, Blockland, Prison Architect, Mass Effect...
(I can't remeber the rest atm, I wil update list later)
... since I have not experieced a similar issue in any of these games.


Vanguard Backer
Sadly I do not own a copy of Forgotten Hope, but my gaming experience was among many things sad aswell, many tragic moments :)
Also thisinspird me to try and write down a greater list, I can't say "full" since I ca't remember the title of some games I played when I was younger.
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