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Dev Blog #15: Heads Up!

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Hello, I'm [TWDEV] hannibaldinski and this week I will be sharing some design details of the Traction Wars HUD. I’ve been working on Traction Wars since 2010 but you haven’t seen a lot from me although I like to call myself the interaction designer of the team. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it’s about designing experiences, how the game communicates with you and ensuring you are completely immersed in the game.

Please be aware of the following contains work in progress content. Features may be subject to change before release.

Default field of view of CRYENGINE
(Source: The truth about fovs )

Games work in a certain way so you can’t always compare them to real life. They should be treated as two different things and you can’t just copy what’s out there in real life. For example, your field of view in the real world is roughly 180° and you can’t see sharply at the edges though you can recognize movements. This peripheral vision is very handy if there is any danger, like an approaching bear or tiger. In games you lack peripheral vision and your field of view is only +/- 60°. This means you have a hard time getting all the information you need because you have less spatial awareness with the result that the player needs some form of help. This is mostly done in game by graphical elements placed on your screen, which is known as the HUD or Head-Up Display.

Now it gets more complicated. Traction Wars is focussing heavily on realism. In the real world you don’t have a HUD telling you stuff so we’re looking for the right balance between the real and virtual world. HUD will have a big impact on immersion (i.s. how involved you are) and gameplay.

Three years of mini-map design iterations

Since I joined Traction Wars three years ago there have been many forms of our HUD. It’s impossible to get it right the first time. To find the right balance we have been testing and researching a lot of ideas, from showing a lot of information to almost nothing. We are trying to show as little information as possible but as much as is needed. The more we can implement in the game itself with animations and visual feedback, the closer we can get to the real world.

Current HUD design

So let me explain what you see here. It’s our current version of the HUD, which during play is not visible. When you press a certain key the HUD appears and when released it disappears again. HUD only shows a mini-map and compass, which are there to give you a better spatial awareness. They show your position relative to friendly players and important features of the map. Team-mates will only be shown when directly in view without any obstacles between you and them. These icons will slowly fade away when losing contact although things like objectives and orders will always be visible. To orientate properly you’ll have to pull out a physical map, so you can’t use your weapon at that moment -just as in real life. Depending on your class you’ll have a more or less detailed map.

Telling team-mates where to look at can be difficult. If someone says “Look left”, you’ll probably not look to the correct “left”. That’s why we incorporated a compass, making it easier for your team-mates to look in the right direction and not get themselves killed.

As you may notice the mini-map and compass are placed on the bottom left. This corner of the screen is mostly blocked by the player's arm, so it is a perfect area for something like the mini-map. The rest of your view isn’t blocked so it is optimal for checking your surroundings.

On the right we have the magazine counter. This shows the total amount of magazines, grenades or belts the player has left. The amount of bullets left will not be shown as players can keep count for themselves - again as in real life.

There have been almost three years of HUD iterations and it is still work in progress so it may see changes before release. I would love to hear some feedback from you. Feel free to criticize but please try to explain your criticism. This makes it more useful.

There is much more to talk about. Stuff like squad-command order system, the soldier immersion system, suppression, health, hit orientation, moral systems, fancy menu’s with shiny buttons and more. So keep an eye open for more dev blogs and thanks for reading.

One more thing... we got our hands on one of these.
Looks like some kind of virtual reality thingy?

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The team is currently looking for level designers and particle artists who have experience in CRYENGINE. If you have the experience and are interested in being part of our friendly and professional team then please head over to our recruitment page for further details.​

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: [ ]

Be right back, have to go to the nearest hospital to get my jaw fixed.

In all seriousness, WOW! Nice work there! :D That picture really shows the grittiness of WW2, I like it!
IMO I cannot find anything that is wrong with this HUD.
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Looks very clean and nice, and I have to admit altough it seems an pretty simple idea to display the mags and not bullets I personally love it :)

And in my opinion it wouldn't be needed to display what team an objective belongs to on the mini-map, but that would be something for you guys to figure out


New Member
In all honesty, i feel that realism and mini map dont go well together. Mini maps kind of take away from the realism feel. I feel that a compass and a large map ( like the ArmA series) is the best way to go for a realism feel. But then again this is just my opinion. And an opinion of someone that feels that mini maps are too "arcade-y". I will say that the current design is nice though. A lot less intrusive than the previous versions shown.


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Remember that the mini-map won't be visible during all times - the player would need to interact to get it up (pushing a button in this case), and e.g draw perhaps a bigger map from his pockets to get a more detailed view of the map.

It's a fine balance between being "too arcade" and being "too realistic"; not saying there will always be a HUD (Hardcore mode anyone?) but for now it's safe to say we'll be going for a "minimum" approach which would ensure that the player will get only the most necessary of information surrounding him at the present time, but nothing else. A good and reasonable mix of the two.



Looks great :) Just a suggestion, instead of adding the 'compass' to the HUD why not actually make an object that looks like a compass, and make it that it's either brought up together with the map or through a separate keyboard key.

PS. that virtual reality device looks more like a screen stuck in front of the head so the HUD can be read better. :confused:

PPS. Does my profile picture show up? ???
This is absolutely ideal. I would not have it any other way. Fantastic work. Will there be a way to check around about how many bullets you have left, like in RO2?

EDIT: about having more than one game difficulty mode, I'd highly advise against it. Red orchestra did that and it has split the community in half I'm afraid :(

Besides, I think it would help give a definitive gameplay feeling that people will associate with the game when there is just one game mode, in my opinion anyway. Maybe just a cool little training mode at the start is all that will be needed?
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How can I criticize your work when latest ver. of HUD is so good!
It is minimalistic, this is what I like, looks very nice!

General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Before anyone gets disappointed/excited by the prospect of a "hardcore" or "realism" mode we aren't decided yet ;) There's advantages and disadvantages which need to be weighed up carefully and tested.


Vanguard Friend
"hit orientation" is that so you know where the bullets are fired from? I do not agree with that unless the suppression is great enough to counter this.


I oppose any form of HUD in a realism game especially a minimap and ammo indicators! Though the map somewhat suits the game. I mean holy **** that pic is immense!

K. Steine

Looks real nice c: Though of course; I must agree with Troy; I don't think a mini-map is suitable for a "realism" game. Nonetheless; I'm not going to complain either way! Though I do think that an ammo indicator; should be in a different form. I'm glad to see that it shows only the mags, and not the actual amount of ammunition in the weapon! I think there should be a more immersive way of "Checking ammunition" I know that in RO2, if you held the reload key; the player would bolt back the rifle; or remove the clip to see if it was empty/how much ammo was left in the clip, and it was always a very general, vague answer, like; "The mag is half full." Something like that. Another way, you could do this; is if you press a key to check how many mags you have left; your player will use his hand to explore his ammo pouches; and text will appear saying: "You have (insert number here) mags left." One last thing; If you can't decide on a good option for the mini-map... Have them all! Perhaps in the option menu; the player could explore the variety of different methods of mini-map that they'd like to use!


Vanguard Friend
Well you could always go for full realism, and just let the player have to keep track of the amount of (full) mags he still has left (e.g. displaying just the amount of issued mags on the class selection screen) , but that could prove to be too much for a lot of people!

So I'd say the current iteration is a fine compromise... You still have to press a key to actually check the amount of mags you have...

The only thing that I personally think could use an improvement is the readability of compass numbers. They are just too small for efficient orientation. Make them a bit bigger and therefore easier to see and it will be perfect!

Also, since you said teammate locations will fade away when not close/in the line of sight, if possible, making them also not fade away if they are really close to you, for example 2-3 meters would better capture the "feel" of real human awareness, such as using your hearing and peripheral vision. This might already be ingame by the looks of the screenshot, but I'm just throwing this in to be sure. And since you can't get the real human FOV in game it would only make sense that the "line of sight" is wider angle on the minimap than it is in the actual game...

Otherwise, great job, I love how everything looks so far!
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