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solution with future teamkillers.

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Well-known member
I hate it when people run into your line of fire. (6) Really should not get punished for that.

I've always hated that too! Especially when I'm suppressing a doorway or something, and they just waltz their way in. Sometimes, they even tango their way in! The nerve...

Not having friendly fire, I think, takes a lot away from the game though - people have to be more careful about they act. My idea would be to lengthen the respawn timer for tk'ers (unforgiven tker's, that is) based on how many they have racked up, in conjunction with auto-kick, moderation, etc.

The tricky part is keeping tk'ers from just disconnecting and rejoining...maybe prevent a tk'er from using the main menu to disconnect, and adding a rejoin timer? Don't know if that's feasible - or how it could be abused.


Well-known member
Left 4 Dead really encouraged me to be more careful about that issue as well... If you mow somebody down, the shame of helping them back up kind of does it for me :)


Just leave it admin side punishment.

I have to agree! As long as there is 1 known admin on a server Tkers and trolls tend to dial it down a notch. Then giving admin out to trusted public members who don't wear a units tag makes them paranoid :p

Also, if someone is banned from 1 server for trolling/tking then as long as the community is friendly you can organise to get them banned from every server, keeping them of the game all together.

Theres not really a efficient way of stopping tking from happening, from my experience having as many trusted server admins as possible tends to work to an extent. If there isn't an admin on then its a dark area.
Won't the servers get spammed with - Ban this dude he TK'd me - Messages?

Anyways, an idea was passing slowly in my head and i thought: Why not a jail? Military Police?
I know, it's a bit TOO realistic but god damn it'd be cool to put some straps on a Deserter or a "Blue-on-Bluer".


Sir Apple

Well-known member
Admin side is great and all, when it works, when there is an admin around, and when the admin isn't a total tard. Unfortunately through my many years of online gaming, my observations lead me to believe that; admins are human, therefore are prone to not always being around, often times being unhelpful, and even unfair/tards all too often.

I think admins should have reign over their servers, and have ability to enforce rules of their choosing. But there is perhaps other methods to discourage smacktards from doing things like team killing. Time will tell, though.


All we can do is hope that someone like criken or even criken doesn't hear about it. When he put a vid of RnL on youtube, RnL got a huge activity boast but it brought the wrong people :)

Sir Apple

Well-known member
Yeah, well, its all about implementing things that simply block people from doing that :)

I feel RnL was slightly dead, hence why it was so easy for people to ***** up the online play.


Yeeah, but, funny videos though :p @Maniche seems to be constantly watching their vids.

I'm out, so out :'(



Pathfinder Games
Left 4 Dead really encouraged me to be more careful about that issue as well... If you mow somebody down, the shame of helping them back up kind of does it for me :)

Only problem I have with the Left 4 Dead system is calling a vote seems to get spammed a lot, and purely because of the small team sizes is quite easy to abuse. Not sure how that sort of thing would work with say a 32-player team though.
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