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News Update #31: A Touch of British Class (Part 1)

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General Naga

Pathfinder Games
Following last week's update "A Coveted Trophy" we would like to introduce three of the British classes that will be featured in the game.

The British squad in World War 2 was an evolution of squad tactics taken from experience during the later stages of the First World War. It consisted of 9 men; a Squad Leader (usually of Corporal rank) who led the squad, an Assistant Squad Leader (usually an Lance Corporal), as well as a Bren gunner (could be lance corporal or a senior private) and his assistant, plus 5 riflemen. Of the riflemen, one was designated a grenadier, and as such carried the cup discharger for rifle grenades, whilst another was a designated marksman (simply the best rifle shot in the squad, not armed with a scoped rifle).

The support side of the squad, the Bren and grenadier, would stay back during the assault until the last possible moment, giving covering fire as the riflemen and squad leader advanced to the enemy, before joining in the attack themselves. On defence, the riflemen supported the Bren gun, and took turns covering the Bren gun and being covered by it if forced to retreat. On the whole, firepower was split between the Bren gun and the riflemen, with the Bren acting as a rapid fire support for the squad. This layout would last through the Second World War.

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Re: News Update #31: A Touch of British Class

Awesome work devs, your work does not go unnoticed.

*Under that "lee enfield no.4 mk IV", should it be lee enfield no.4 mk I? Just a thought :)


Well-known member
Re: News Update #31: A Touch of British Class

Awesome work devs, your work does not go unnoticed.

*Under that "lee enfield no.4 mk IV", should it be lee enfield no.4 mk I? Just a thought :)

Our illustrious fearless leader made a booboo. I have already suitably chastised him. :3


Re: News Update #31: A Touch of British Class

No problem Naga, thats the only mistake i have seen.
Again, awesome work! :D


Well-known member
Just a notice there, i always thought british soldiers had the plate-like WW1 helmet.
I probably am wrong then...

The MkII and MkIII "turtle" helmets are the ones used in WW2 and shown in the update. The First, MkII, is the one worn by the Bren gunner in the update, and is nearly identical to the MkI of the First World War.


New Member
Re: News Update #31: A Touch of British Class

These look amazing, seems you guys have a lot to show, the updates are coming thick and fast.


The MkII and MkIII "turtle" helmets are the ones used in WW2 and shown in the update. The First, MkII, is the one worn by the Bren gunner in the update, and is nearly identical to the MkI of the First World War.

No other helmet says "WW1" quite as much as that one.
As always a total success for your game, correspondence with reality, etc. ...

Do not you fear that your game and especially your fans abandon you.

They were but a playing card as show, show and always show pictures, people get tired of having nothing other than images, etc ...

Would not it make sense again this is just my opinion, but it was the case with Forgotten Hope 2, an update of X megabyte while several smaller update that would bring the bugs have been corrected over time.

So why, in this context, does not begin to open your game because for my part I seriously began to get tired of waiting, again and again. Apart from you, there Invasion44 Arma 3 Rising Storm or Company of Heroes 2.

I hope your game will arrive soon, as more than 4 years I am in the shadows, it becomes difficult in the sense that although the graphics are amazing but the gameplay or is pending.
Comme toujours une total réussite pour votre jeu, la correspondance avec la réalité, etc...

N'avez vous pas peur que votre jeu et, surtout vos fans vous abandonnent.

Ne fussent qu'une carte à jouer, car montrez, montrez et toujours montrez des images, les gens se lassent de ne rien avoir d'autres que des images, etc...

Ne serait il pas judicieux encore une fois c'est juste mon opinion, mais ce fut le cas avec Forgotten Hope 2, une mise à jour de X MégaOctet alors que plusieurs plus petite mise à jour aurait fait que les bugs apporter aurait pu être corriger au fil du temps.

Donc pourquoi dans cette optique, ne pas commencer à ouvrir votre jeu. Car pour ma part je commence sérieusement à me lasser d'attendre, encore et toujours. A part vous, il y a Invasion44 pour Arma 3, Rising Storm ou Company of Heroes 2.

J'espère que votre jeu va aboutir très prochainement, car plus de 4 ans que je vous suis dans l'ombre, cela devient pénible dans le sens ou certes le graphisme est époustouflant mais ou la jouabilité se fait attendre.


Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
There's no secret that we like to keep things tidy and show more or less finished work, hightower, and if there's anything we at Traction Wars work towards it's just that; to deliver a high quality game that's free to play, and we'd really hate ourselves if we were to release anything lower than the bar we've set ourselves.

Because of this, development takes perhaps a bit longer than it normally would do - everyone at Traction Wars work for free in their own time, as we all got both school, jobs and a real-life outside of the team; we're mortals just like everyone else.

We got a lot of good content behind the scenes that we plan on releasing in the upcoming weeks, like we've done over the past months. In due time there will be gameplay-scenes as well when we feel we've achieved the necessary quality we want and have set ourselves, and we ask the Community to bear with us. You don't want a rushed game, neither do we so patient is a virtue!

Again, we want to release a game which is both polished, well designed and balanced, and having a public beta would only offer a version of the game which doesn't necessarily play-out as intended and wouldn't perhaps meet our standards for the game in the end.

If anyone wants to "speed-up" development, one could perhaps spread the word about us and that we're always looking for new people to join our ranks - more people would mean faster development.



Level Designer
Pathfinder Games
Hehe, you may ask but I'm afraid I can't give you a proper answer yet, Roughbeak.

I bet you hate the suspense, right? Haha!


General Naga

Pathfinder Games
May i ask what is going to be "Chapter 2", is it North Africa?
Though it could be, just more Normandy. :D

There are a couple of options on the table but we're focusing on Overlord for now. All I can tell you is that if/when we add a new theatre it will be after Overlord is released and it will be in a new chapter rather than a patch between chapters.
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