Build 550: Patch Notes

In this update we have made further changes to the new Cafe Picot area of Pegasus Bridge.

Join us for in-game for this weekend and for future events, which run every other weekend on Saturday at 19:00 UCT. You can sign-up for events, get notified of new events and discuss the changes with the team at

Summary of Changes:
  • Fixed: Objective distance being incorrect while dead and spectating
  • Pegasus
    • Updated new Cafe Picot area
Known Issues
  1. Rare bug where objective capture can continue after player dies. Press F to cancel after being killed. We are actively investigating this issue and we have made changes in this update to make it easier to track down the cause.
  2. Cursor sometimes get stuck on screen. ALT+ENTER can fix this issue for some users.
  3. Steam overlay opens when Alt+Tab back into the game. (Workaround: Change game window mode to full screen window or windowed in Graphics settings)
  4. After extended period of playing, rendering glitch can occur and leave trail behind cursor and other icons. Game restart is required.