SUMMARY OF CHANGES:Fixed: KIA markers appears for longer on tactical mapFixed: Updated NCO menu tip on tactical mapFixed: Glitch in VoIP chat indicatorFixed: NCO unable to place look markers if they had an active orderFixed: Some look & order markers not appearing on tactical mapMerville BatteryRemoved var 2 from rotation for re-designingKNOWN ISSUESCursor sometimes get stuck on screen. ALT+ENTER can fix this issue for some users.Steam overlay opens when Alt+Tab back into the game. (Workaround: Change game window mode to full screen window or windowed in Graphics settings)Cursor and icons can “ghost” over the screen after playing for a long time. We are actively investigating this bug. Please let us know if it happens with as much detail as possibleYou can give us feedback by commenting on the discussion thread or in the feedback thread in our growing discord community at