• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.


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as most of you know there was a time where world war 2 games were king. they were the most popular genre of video games out there. but the gamers soon got sick of them and turned to other types of games (like zombies). since then not many GOOD world war 2 games have come out and laid dormant.

to tell you the truth...i never got sick of world war 2 games (or zombie games). hell, i became a soldier in the united states army because of those games and looking up to those brave soldiers that stood up against hitler's evil. i miss playing those games and want to play a new one bad!!!!

i have seen one or two new world war 2 games coming out and they look good. all are online and massive multi objective, multi vehicle, and heavy into realism in a large scale map which is great. these types of mechanics get me so excited. then i stumbled onto this game.

how i found this game is a mystery to me but im on board. it looks great and you are adding a number of things i have wanted for so long. do you know how long i have cried out to other programmers about including a squad mechanic. TOO LONG!!! it is the single most important aspect about modern warfare!!! how many times have you jumped into a vid game battle and thought you were doing good when all of a sudden youre dead cause some guy flanked your side and shoot you. well...in the military we have figured a way from keeping that from happening and its called a squad that covers all angles. problem solved. but i games noooooooooo people want to do their own thing and run around like chickens with their heads cut off and then ***** when somone flanks them. bottemline...thank you for making this kind of game a reality.

i want to be part of the creation of this game as well as be a player as much as i can. can i do programming...no...but i know a bit about the army, tactics, weaponry, and game playing that might help a bit.

so to everyone that is creating this game...thank you and i am backing you guys 100%

spc. vandette
F FSC, 2-5 cav
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