• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.


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these are the feature that i would like in-game:

  • Sound
  • Collision models
  • Particle effects
  • Knowledge of weapons, explosions, impacts and vehicles (if planes confirmed)

These are the description of those topics:

  • Sound

- Sound travel
- Distant sounds
- Real sounds

  • Collision models

- Buildings, rocks, vehicles

  • Particle effects

- Try to make them realistic as possible

  • Knowledge of weapons, explosions, impacts and vehicles (if planes confirmed)

Search specs of those things

- i really wanted you guys to add planes, not to be a simulator, but to be realistically smooth physics with useful controls like rudder, throttle, turning, fire button, flaps, landing gear and an option to be a pilot.



I think, you don't have to worry about these. As far as I know these are already implemented, but I am not a dev.
this is what i wish the traction wars sound artists should do for planes:

1mic front
1mic middle - propeller
2mics back (1mic 5meters & 1mic 100meters)
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This is when you start to work on planes: that means "mic for microphone: 1 microphone in front of the plane, 1 microphone in the middle for recording the propeller, and 2 microphones (actually i meant 1) 100 meters away from the plane for distant sound.


Pathfinder Games
Planes are currently not being considered due to the amount of work required, maybe in the future though. And as much as we'd like to, our budget does not stretch to recording vehicles or weapons ourselves, and trust me if it did, I'd take much more than 4 mics with me.


[MENTION=376]calgoblin[/MENTION] you make your sounds and effects 100% by yourself, using only your mic and voice, right?

I can't wait for the guns sounds! *pew pew pew*
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