• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Sir Apple

    Game Trailers

    Not to many games impressed me in todays E3 media announcement day. I'll be going to E3 Wednesday and perhaps find something cool in person. Most of it was just the usual gimmicks and media-bait using big fancy words (OMG NEXT GEN EXPERIENCESSS BRO). BattleFront was pretty cool looking...
  2. Sir Apple

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    this is not funny don't click on it
  3. Sir Apple

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

  4. Sir Apple

    War Thunder General Chat

    Destructible environments for vehicle gamplay is on its way (Video a few weeks old).
  5. Sir Apple

    What games are you playing?

    I used to play it with Naga quite often, but its been years now :p
  6. Sir Apple

    What games are you playing?

    I've been goofing around in some of the more popular free to play games on steam. My thoughts; WarFace - A pretty crappy game overall, but perhaps I expected far to much. Aside from the disappointingly crude and rudimentary graphics, the same can be said for the actual gameplay and the ways in...
  7. Sir Apple

    Game Trailers

    While at E3 my friends and I got into a private screening of Batman Arkham Knight. I must admit I never really cared about the Batman games up until after watching them demo it, one of the more impressive games I saw. On another note though I'm excited for Far Cry 4, The Division, Rainbow Six...
  8. Sir Apple

    Waaaar Thundeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! simulator mode

    calgoblin thats weird, i never had any real trouble with the installer. The past update was large, and afterwards they patched 2-3 times. Perhaps browse their forums for help (or ask) Roughbeak yes its true, but sometimes life calls for change :)
  9. Sir Apple

    Waaaar Thundeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! simulator mode

    calgoblin - are you trying to do it through steam or? On a side note, I've just hit 200 hours of playing time in War Thunder. Woo! With many more to come :) I can see myself putting thousands of hours into the game, I mean, the planes are consistently epic, and with tank combat coming soon, and...
  10. Sir Apple

    Waaaar Thundeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! simulator mode

    We really should have a proper War Thunder thread, although you could have just named this thread something a little more General lol :P
  11. Sir Apple

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    55% of your profits is only alot in the game industry (or any branch of the entertainment industry) if your profits are low. But if you're a small indie company whos game brings in 30 million USD, your still looking at a little less then half, which is a ****-ton of money. If you are a large...
  12. Sir Apple

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    No bother ;) If I were going for 1:1 accuracy with a real dagger, gun etc. then I would use a profile image of it in 3ds max, and use other references gathered around google images for looking at and modeling the other details etc.
  13. Sir Apple

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Hmm, I'm not sure - I never really use that feature. Also I use 3ds 2012 (at home & work). Its more stable and has everything you need really, there is no real point in updating 3dsmax every year hehe I would say you don't need to use 'lock & pan zoom' really. Anyway this link can perhaps...
  14. Sir Apple

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    I would help you but I'm not sure what you mean exactly lol :)
  15. Sir Apple

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    OOO I'm going to be 'controversial' then :p It just depends what you want. I use Unreal 4 at work, and CE3 here at traction wars in my spare time. I prefer EU4, for many reasons. If you're a beginner, then perhaps go with Unreal.
  16. Sir Apple

    What games are you playing?

    Not to be redundant... but have I mentioned how much I love them Spitfires? http://i.imgur.com/EF25LWF.jpg
  17. Sir Apple

    What games are you playing?

    Love me some War Thunder. Even more so, I love them British fighters! Owning the enemy team this badly should be illegal :D http://i.imgur.com/52zH6V5.jpg
  18. Sir Apple

    What games are you playing?

    Nah its not really that type of game. AI gunners can be brutally accurate though (more so then real players), you just have to train them up :)