• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. Kevino

    Dev Update – Feature Roadmap

    prone is on long term wishlist... booo
  2. Kevino

    Xanderman's minicritique and suggestions - 06/04/2019

    love your suggestions, point #3 on the defenders, maybe not kill them, just have an annoying fall back soldier right in front of the screen to encourage them to retreat.
  3. Kevino

    2 bugs

    after capturing an objective, my player would not stop "capturing an objective" and return back to normal gun ready mode. another one was my gun was invisible after spawning for about 30 seconds then it appeared.
  4. Kevino

    New FH2 Update!

    nice to kill and be killed by you on the fh2 battlefield yesterday aniallator.
  5. Kevino

    New FH2 Update!

    my favorite fh2 map is any of them that you have a video about, cursing out microsoft! :laugh:
  6. Kevino


    welcome aboard! btw, this is what i thought of when i read this threads topic.....
  7. Kevino

    Any other WW II games?

    i bought bf2 waaaay back when, just for fh2, and that still to this day is the only game i play... sadly not much of a N.A. community. But if you have weekends or daytime available to play you'll be just fine!
  8. Kevino

    Dev Blog #20: Digging into the Detail (Part 2/3)

    i see your Nice. and raise you a = noice
  9. Kevino

    Faces of the TW Community!

    most recent pic of me, I think?
  10. Kevino

    What games are you playing?

    fh2 was the sole purpose for me buying bf2 :laugh:
  11. Kevino

    What games are you playing?

    ill just put this here, in case anyone is interested !!! Pacific Theater beta test This Saturday, August 9th
  12. Kevino

    What games are you playing?

    sadly that has changed with the new patch (6)
  13. Kevino

    Happy B-day

  14. Kevino

    Battlefield / Forgotten Hope communities searching for a new game

    I hope there is a controllable goat somewhere in traction wars release 8)
  15. Kevino

    Aiming - how to eliminate twitch shooting

    im pretty sure this is what you mean =
  16. Kevino

    Some light relief... |56k Warning|

    spot the differences :)
  17. Kevino

    Special Christmas footage?

    how about a Festivus update then? feats of strength anyone?
  18. Kevino


    my favorite weapon is the s-mine = 12th December 1943: The infantryman?s nightmare ? the ?S? mine I hope there is a way to animate them popping up to belly height before blowing up! Not just a quick boom and your dead type animation...​
  19. Kevino

    What games are you playing?

    yeah, need to find the right kind of friends that are ww2 addicts, and dont want or need the fast twitch arcade style modern games... (maybe im old? )