• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Search results

  1. FlyingR

    Project Reality LAN issue

    One of the replies!
  2. FlyingR

    Project Reality LAN issue

    I always play with 300+ ping (since I'm living in China)... my only problems are lag spikes (not common) and that I have to lead the target a bit more. Other than that, I have no problem at all!
  3. FlyingR

    Project Reality LAN issue

    No idea really, never tried LAN. I have an account in PR, I'll copy paste this for you! :) Edit: http://www.realitymod.com/forum/f26-pr-bf2-bugs/136380-lan-ctd.html We should make a TW game night in PR!!!
  4. FlyingR

    WWII Artwork

    Re: Picture of the Day My favourite fighter,P-38-Lightning a.k.a. Fork-Tail Devil, over the beaches at Normandy, 6th of June, 1944. Fun Fact 1: Doolittle, at that time General and commander of the 8th Air Force in 1944, was flying a P-38 during the D-Day landings. Fun Fact 2: St. Exupery...
  5. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Sydd, I just said most of that hahaha. People do get bored, they get bored because they might not know how to play it, or they think they will like it and then be like **** this, I have to walk a lot or I cannot kill 50 people in one round, going to go play COD. Sadly, the team does have...
  6. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Also, big companies like EA Games all they do is publish 50000 games, plus a good one every year. 10 years ago you didn't have a Battlefield or a COD every year... Battlefield 1942 still is being played today. Now, every year, there's a new game of the franchise... COD, BF, etc. You don't...
  7. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Man, PRWWII is still in alpha testing! You can't judge the game until it's completely out. I'm assuming that TW will be a slow gameplay, because when the game is more realistic, there are many things to take into consideration so you need to stop and plan the next move. However, it all depends...
  8. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    As an RTS is the most realistic that I know of, forgot to mention that. I have never seen MoW, but I've Youtubed it and it seems nice, the maps are good! DDay mod looks really good but as you mentioned the A.I. is indeed retarded hahahaha and squad management is a bit annoying. @Roughbeak yes...
  9. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    You're right, the map rotation is always similar: Muttrah, Operation Archer, Pavlov Bay, Fallujah West, etc... at least in Co-op which it's annoying. Usually though, the admins on the server ask for what type of map and which map to play, so it allows the player to choose and vote a wanted map...
  10. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    SyddForgotten Hope 2 a mod for Battlefield 2. FH1 is a mod for BF1942, while Forgotten Honor also for BF1942 which was more realistic than FH1. Pvt_Larry I know what you mean, and I somewhat agree... sometimes it is annoying, but I prefer PR (there's no PR2) because overall is more realistic...
  11. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Have you played PR Online (Deployment - PvP)? If you poke your head for 1 second you will die. That's why it's very realistic, because you always have to take cover and check every corner for enemies before moving. You cannot see who you killed in PR or who has killed you, you will just see...
  12. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Well man, FH2 has the part where it says who killed who, which is annoying. By the way, the soldier is not revived, he is wounded. BIG difference... if the soldier is dead then he has to respawn. Relax man, both games are good, you also have the warm up time of vehicles and such. There's no...
  13. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    A part from WWIIO, it is one of the most realistic WWII games out there. Don't just focus on one or 2 things because in then there is no realistic game at all, not even TW (although it will be the most realistic in comparison to all WWII games). Generally, it can be claimed that it is realistic...
  14. FlyingR

    Score Tracking System, Servers, Kickstarter

    Will there be a score tracking system in the website? In your profile will it give information of K/D ratio, medals and other info as well? Could it have information, besides K/D ratio, points and such, info like most used weapon/class, most effective weapon/class, how many bullets fired...
  15. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    Nice man! That's awesome! I wish people would still play it today, but a lot of them care about graphics and ****, they are noobs. I don't care about the graphics at all as long as the game is good, and WWIIO is a damn good game. I flew many missions in the game, although not as realistic as...
  16. FlyingR

    Any other WW II games?

    FPS - As mostly have said PRWII, but still not out. - I still can't believe nobody mentioned WWII Online (WWIIO)! Although having shitty graphics (which I don't care about) it is one of the best and realistic WWII games ever. - Battlefield 1942 - FH1 and Forgotten Honor mods - COD WWII series -...
  17. FlyingR


    Don't assume anything, you know nothing Sydd Snow. Yeah Aniallator, I mean it is nothing out of the ordinary, it's just like PR with better graphics and new characteristics... Now that PR is free, more people are playing, so as I mentioned, I'll wait until TW comes out.
  18. FlyingR

    Picture of the Day

    Choo Choo Mothernutter! Goliath is here! (Hope to see this in the game later on!)
  19. FlyingR


    Honestly, I will currently stick to PR until TW comes out hahaha. Sorry Squad, never meant to hurt you.
  20. FlyingR

    Community Questions: Ask the Devs

    Excellent! I'm starting to like you... maybe I will start easing off on the cookie jar just for you... Do not disappoint.