• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Recent content by Ray

  1. Ray

    Vanguard servers

    Cool also with a status banner.:) I know you´re busy atm, so no hurry with it ofc. Thakns for adding it to your list.:cool:
  2. Ray

    Vanguard servers

    Any chance to have servermonitors on website? :unsure: Easier IMO to see who and how many players are online the servers.
  3. Ray

    Dev Update – Feature Roadmap

    Thanks for the roadmap! Nice to follow your progress.:cool:
  4. Ray

    Some feedback 5.4.2019

    Morning! After playing the game for almost 2 hours yesterday, here´s a little feedback from my experience. - Connecting to a server takes abit too long. If possible, that should be fixed. - Graphics, still alot of glitches and player animations should be reworked. Playing with NVidia gtx 1060...
  5. Ray

    The Hi I'm New Thread

    Hello @did and welcome to forums :)
  6. Ray

    The Hi I'm New Thread

    Hello and welcome @kaytlynedwards13 ! What kind of help and support do you need?
  7. Ray

    The Hi I'm New Thread

    Welcome to the forums! @SYN_Skydance
  8. Ray

    The Hi I'm New Thread

    Hi! I'm Ray and just noticed this game today. Looks promising.;) I'm also a amateur blogger of WW2 games, so I published abit of this game on my blog and social media. (if you don't mind)^^ Vanguard – Normandy 1944 Will be intresting to follow the development of this game. Also a big + for...
  9. Ray

    Website Feedback

    Looks nice indeed! Smooth and clear. Perhaps no need of improvements in my opinion. ;)
  10. Ray

    Kickstarter Launch! - Onwards and Upwards...

    Just noticed this game! Looks nice! :) What if the kickstarter campaign fails? ( I hope it doesn't)