• Welcome to the Vanguard Community

    These forums date back to the game's origins as the Crysis mod Traction Wars. Over the years the game and internet habits have evolved and discord.gg/vanguardww2 is now the principle home of the community.

    The team continue to read and reply to posts here, but we can be contacted more quickly on Discord.

Recent content by Maniche

  1. Maniche

    New FH2 Update!

    But we already have hannibaldinski at the team? Haha!
  2. Maniche

    New FH2 Update!

    Wait, what? I don't think mine has ever been full!
  3. Maniche

    New FH2 Update!

    Looks like it, haha!
  4. Maniche

    "Returning to WWII" (game discussion)

    "Some different theaters..." Yep, calling it now, next iteration is Traction Wars: Resistance in Maniche's Homeland But seriously, some good talking points! Though some of them would probably fit better for a Single-player game, it's quite true for a lot of their arguments Good find!
  5. Maniche

    Sniper elite 2 gratis on steam

    Norwegian too! Maniche
  6. Maniche

    CryEngine vs Unreal Engine

    Hands-down the CE is the most potent realtime game-render there is from my personal experience. The revolutionary "WYSIWYG"-Editor was/is the best one you can possibly get - yes, the UE have shown it's capable to create truly stunning scenes, as well as being capable to render pretty much...
  7. Maniche

    What games are you playing?

    Pick up Gmod and play some awesome mods! Having so much fun with SledBuilder, PropHunt, DeathRun and TerroristTown. Maniche
  8. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Elysium, if you haven't checked it out yet you definitely should! Maniche
  9. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    I came back to this classic one after watching Disconnect (which I highly rate!). Maniche
  10. Maniche

    What games are you playing?

    I found it a bit mehh actually, not sure why but. Maniche
  11. Maniche

    The E3 2013 Thread

    Please be Half-Life 3, please be Half-Life 3! Maniche
  12. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Hans Zimmer is God. Maniche
  13. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

  14. Maniche

    Favourite Soundtrack

    Oblivion, pretty decent sci-fi actually! Maniche
  15. Maniche

    Guess The Game/Movie/TV-series!

    It's really simple - one would post an image of a game/movie/TV-series, with three facts about it and the one that guesses right will need to post a new one! Since this is a new thread, I'll start. http://i.imagebanana.com/img/t9b4rkah/NOWTHATWOULDBECHEATING.png * It's a game * Set to be...